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Record Snowfall

SS Silv

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I must say this winter in North Dakota has been a pain in the ass. For the past 3 months, we have had a winter storm EVERY 5 days. We have so much snow that there is no more room to put it. I do snow removal for my fathers properties and my apartment complex. We have had to have our snow piles hauled out 4 times this year to make room for more snow. Along the curbs of the streets where the city plows stands snow no less than 6 feet. The streets that were once was two lanes are now one lane because of the snow accumilation. It's getting sickening. I haven't seen this much snow in 20 years.


Oh, I forgot to mention, as I speak, we are in a blizzard warning that probably will shut down the city of Bismarck tommarow, and I will have to wake up at 3am (for the twentieth time) to plow more phuckin snow in minus fourty below weather. It's not even worth the extra money anymore.



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I am having the same problem here in maine not quite as much snow as you have but this is my third winter here in maine and this is by far the most snow i have seen here since. Even back home in michigan they have more snow then i ever seen growing up.

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I must say this winter in North Dakota has been a pain in the ass. For the past 3 months, we have had a winter storm EVERY 5 days. We have so much snow that there is no more room to put it. I do snow removal for my fathers properties and my apartment complex. We have had to have our snow piles hauled out 4 times this year to make room for more snow. Along the curbs of the streets where the city plows stands snow no less than 6 feet. The streets that were once was two lanes are now one lane because of the snow accumilation. It's getting sickening. I haven't seen this much snow in 20 years.


Oh, I forgot to mention, as I speak, we are in a blizzard warning that probably will shut down the city of Bismarck tommarow, and I will have to wake up at 3am (for the twentieth time) to plow more phuckin snow in minus fourty below weather. It's not even worth the extra money anymore.




i cant feel what your going through!!! cause i live in cali. maybe time to move?

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you should hop along with zipp and move out west, we have been having recore highs, today was 86. forcast is 80+ for the next week. i like the snow man but not that much.


I am with you, I love snow but its getting rediculous. I actually don't mind the cold, but with all this snow that I can barely open my front door, it makes it MUCH worse. Lastnight we had 5 inches of snow with 60mph wind gusts, needless to say, this morning was a mess. We had 5 foot drifts in front of our shop.


Ok, I will stop bitching, lol. :jester:

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We haven't had any snow for almost a month. For the last three weeks it was hanging around -15 for the high temp and around -30 at night. Today it is 33; it almost like summer with the 60 degree difference.

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