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Does It Bother Anyone Else?

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Everyone here should know what I do for a living, so it might just be me. This morning along with other mornings, I watch the news. But for some reason, untill today, it really bothered me. It was no issue at first, before the anaugaration of course, but long after it really get under my skin that people still call President Obama, Barack Obama. Is he not the President of the United States? Did he not earn his votes or the right to be called President Obama? I know that in my line of work, title is almost everything and that it is very disrespectful and unprofessional to address someone of his position without his or her title. Anyone else feel the same way or disagree?

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I totally agree with you the man deserves his respect! Even though not everyone likes him and I cant really say I like him, for that matter I really didnt like Mccain for our pres. But Pres. Obama won it and he is now the Pres. of this great nation.

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What bothers me is that people are now only noticing this because it is President Obama. For the past 8 years the media has called President Bush "Mr. Bush" and nobody cared (well...liberals anyway). Now, the next messiah, is referred to as Mr. Obama and it is a life altering, tragic event.


The absolute disrespect for the Office of the President that was afforded to Bush is disgusting. Like him or not, he was elected by the people of this country as our President. If not him, the position that he held demanded that respect. Just as, like him or not, Barack Obama deserves the respect as President Obama.


To me, this is a perfect example of how people in the country are sheep; sheep being herded around by mainstream media.

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i am beggining to thik his official title is "the first black president" i mean thats all i hear day in and day out


:withstupid: I agree, everyone is obsessed with the race issue


its the celebrity factor...its out of control.


its time for him to get to work and help this country, it needs it bad.



:withstupid: Too much hype of this celebrity and history making going on, get to work Mr. President.


Also, he will earn his title of "President" when I see the real documented birth certificate of him. Too much sketchy information about fake birth certificates and his background.


I am with lefty, when everyone was pissed at President Bush, everyone called him " Mr. Bush."

I dont want to be a low life, but I believe in "eye for an eye" so I will return the favor by calling him Barack/Obama/Hussein (watever floats my boat). Its just a matter of time before history reveals how good of a President George H.W Bush was. Obamaman has to earn the title of Presidency in my opinion, not just by election. President Bush earned his by 9/11 and protecting our homeland for 8 years straight.

Edited by 03maSSS (see edit history)
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bothers the hell outta me..


its funny that every morning i wake up and CNN alwayz talking bout him and how he not doing this and that but the man been the president for one week.. bush was the preident for 8yrs and ****ed everything up..



i hate the fact that since he black the watch every move he make and waiting to air out something on him on the news..ima young black dude and yes i voted (i was shock when thay said i could)..


and i really wanted RON PAUL but he failed lol

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He's the leader of the most powerfull nation, so it doesn't matter what color he is. If he doesn't do this or does this, he will be under the microscope. It's just part of the job. I remember when the media use to make fun of VP Dane Quail(sp?), just for the hell of it, plus it sold newspapers. We don't seem to honor nor respect any President we have so I'm not suprised they don't call him President Obama. Plus the media knows the USA is still hung up on the middle east so any name not pure American, makes them pause. Obama isn't like Smith or Clinton so it will take awhile before the media uses President Obama.

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