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Down Shifting 2 Run

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Just wanted 2 know if anyone drops they're gears 2 Race or anything like that? Like putting it in 1st and mashing on the gas, and so forth. Wanted 2 know becuz I've seen lots of guys do it, and I heard dat its no good 2 do, so I don't see da point except Fudgin up the tranny. Thanks Crew :cheers:

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My tranny is NEVER in OD unless i'm on the interstate or for some reason going past 65.


Just unwanted gear searching between 3 and 4.. some might say you lose mpg in town.. but honestly i'd rather pay the $5 a week and save some tranny life.


I always leave it in 3rd if I'm running something down aswell..

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If you want the absolute max amount of holding power, you shift into first and not only does the PCM command the engagement of the low clutches but also the overrun clutches; after you've launched, kick it up into 3rd. In a trans with high quality aftermarket frictions the overrun clutches do not add much more holding power (they're itty bitty) so it's just as strong to launch with the gear selector in 3rd.


Mr. P.

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I always (when racing) would place the selector in 1st and manually shift. I tried (cuz thats what others were doing) leaving it in 3rd and mashing the gas...i gained over tenth in the 1/4 consistantly (14.35 to 14.15 and one 14.17). Call it what you want but my SS ran better that way, who knows best when to shift then your PCM?

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I just want 2 know if its safe 4 da tranny? Heard its not but I see alot of people do it all da time. Buddy of mine asked me when do I shift? I told him wut do u mean? He said he holds 1st til like 60MPH goin first then shift,s I looked at him crazy a$$ hell. Just want 2 know so I can try it out, Thanks Crew :cheers:

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It's safe to do.. however I don't think you can ever shift as good as the tranny itself, with the stock column shift.


also.. I'd be watching the tach.. not the speedo :wtf:


never done this before.. but I'm assuming you should start shifting about 500 rpm before your rev limiter... so by the time you select your next gear you'll be at max rpm and shifting. rather than bouncing off your rev limiter :sick:

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