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my best friend died cuz of sum truck that didnt see him and pulled out and he slammed into him...no offence to anyne on this site but its the typical excuse that everyone uses....i didnt see him or it was the bikers fault.,...it take an extra second to look in yer mirror and oo look at that theres a bike next to me...i had a lady decide that her nutz were bigger then mine and she could just turn and i would move...nahhh...her mirror hit my elbow and i flipped shit...one quick swing and her mirror was gone...she was on her cell no less.....it was on the 2 year anniversary of my best friends death....its ppl that dont care ab shit.....ok im dont rantin and ravin ab this...sorry if i offended ne one

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The responsibility goes both ways, for vehicles and bikes.



I agree with this, but bikers have to be aware of cagers around them, if you're not aware you're going to wind up dead. Soccer mom's on the other hand don't need to be, they run into one of us and it dents their fenders. Automobile drivers just need to be made more aware and pay more attention when they drive, use to scare the shit outta me when I'd pass someone putting make-up on or eating in their car. Its one of those things that if you haven't experienced it you won't fully understand.


That being said, I'm a huge proponent of motorcycle safety and awareness, people are completely oblivious to bikers on the roads around here. Went down on my bike a couple years back, anyone that has ever crashed knows its a shitty situation.




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being a father now, I really don't care if I ever ride again. Sure it was a blast, and for the longest time whenever I'd hear a harley, i wanted on so bad, but now there are way to many assbags on the road who don't pay attention. i don't want to become some wooden cross on the highway or a grease spot on the road. jmho.

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