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Crazy Guys In A Escalade


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so hears the story thougth i would share this since i never heard of it happening in my city. i just came from supper and im following these guys in escalade(w/exhaust) and they floor it to go onto the freeway so i floor it having no problem keeping up. i was about half a car behind following him until we pull into this 50km hr main street. i pull up beside him thinking he wants to race but to my suprise the guy jumps out and starts yelling at me saying if i got a problem with his escalade and he wants to fight. i was so stunned and i had my little sis in the passenger seat to boot, so the light turned green so i drove away. and they went there seperate ways. have you guys ever had a run in with jackasses like this or was i in the wrong. (sorry for the long thread had to get the whole story out)

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i have that happen to me before. this guy in a expedition with exhaust. we were at a red light, and he starts revving it. and i ignore him. then on the next light we go for it and leave him way behind, so i stop and he goes in front of me and starts breaking all of sudden to make me crash and i pulled next to him and he swirve his truck at me to push me out of the lane to crash. and i pulled next to him again and starts yelling if i have a problem and telling me to get off the truck to fight, but ignore him. People sometimes are just really sore loosers.

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i almost had a similar insident, but with a woman, it was like 1;00 am and im on my way home when i see this mpolice roadblock on the oder side of the street, so i slowed down and kept it within the limit, and i look behind me and this car is riding my bumper, im like' cant you see there are cops here' .


so we get past the cops and she pulls up next to me and yells; dont you nkow how to drive moron' i was surprised and astonishd, i desided too just back off and let her majesty go, people are really jackasses now a days

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