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Manny Suspened 50 Games!

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should be a permanent suspension IMO... him and A-roid can go inject eachother in the ass at Berry Bonds house w/ Clemens and the rest of the ****ing cheaters.

I'm with you Dylan! I hate this guy and I hate the Dodgers so this news actually makes me happy. As for roids in baseball, I just don't get it. i mean, is it really that difficult of a game that these idiots need to shoot up to get an edge?

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I think any professional player that gets caught using any kind of drugs should be permantly banned. They supposed to be role models. They get paid millions to play a game.


And to BlkSilveradoSS03 Go White Sox

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To me this is simple. Professional sports are meant to be entertainment. If taking roids means the games will be more entertaining (IE: more competative, more goals, more home runs, more points) than by all means shoot up, take roids...Personally I could care less. If players need an edge to perform better for our entertainment then in the end we are only getting more for our money.


And as for role models...BS. These are the same people that have VIP room in strip clubs, that cheat on their wifes with fluffers and crack whores, that take mass amounts of illegal drugs, that carry conceiled weapons without proper permits, that beat their wifes, that can't speak proper english because the hardly got their GED, that bitches about their salary of 20 Million, that don't vote or have any idea who is running for office. Sweet role models, yet you're worried roids will comproimise their image? WOW


I say let them do whatever they need to do to perform to the best of their ability, if that means taking performance enhancing drugs so be it...I could care less about them or what it does to their bodies, they are here for my entertainment and are paid extremely well for it to.


I sort of have a gladiator mentality about this...love it or hate it. These people are expendable and if you can't keep the edge and stay with the rest of the pack then you're out. Like race horses. It's a competative market...and with salaries like these people get, they need to be as competative as they can possible be.

Edited by W2W402 (see edit history)
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To me this is simple. Professional sports are meant to be entertainment. If taking roids means the games will be more entertaining (IE: more competative, more goals, more home runs, more points) than by all means shoot up, take roids...Personally I could care less. If players need an edge to perform better for our entertainment then in the end we are only getting more for our money.


And as for role models...BS. These are the same people that have VIP room in strip clubs, that cheat on their wifes with fluffers and crack whores, that take mass amounts of illegal drugs, that carry conceiled weapons without proper permits, that beat their wifes, that can't speak proper english because the hardly got their GED, that bitches about their salary of 20 Million, that don't vote or have any idea who is running for office. Sweet role models, yet you're worried roids will comproimise their image? WOW


I say let them do whatever they need to do to perform to the best of their ability, if that means taking performance enhancing drugs so be it...I could care less about them or what it does to their bodies, they are here for my entertainment and are paid extremely well for it to.


I sort of have a gladiator mentality about this...love it or hate it. These people are expendable and if you can't keep the edge and stay with the rest of the pack then you're out. Like race horses. It's a competative market...and with salaries like these people get, they need to be as competative as they can possible be.


X2, that is so true.


I have a little expeirance with roids from high school playing soccer. Certain players tried roids and they were the best players on the team no questions, they even were ODP players (Olympic Development Program).

I played keeper, and when these kids took shots on net and I saved them, it was a big surprise as these kids were about 4-5 years older than me (I did not play with them during games, just practice). They were strong enough that when they shot the soccer ball, easily put a whole in the net.

The most thrilling part of the whole situation, I didnt take roids and shut down the kid who did. Yes roids do help perform but dont garuntee anything, if you put your mind to the matter you have a better chance of success. Hence thats why my team won the pickup game 4-1 (or maybe I am just the next Edwin Van de Sar :jester: ) .

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