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Manny Suspened 50 Games!

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To me this is simple. Professional sports are meant to be entertainment. If taking roids means the games will be more entertaining (IE: more competative, more goals, more home runs, more points) than by all means shoot up, take roids...Personally I could care less. If players need an edge to perform better for our entertainment then in the end we are only getting more for our money.


And as for role models...BS. These are the same people that have VIP room in strip clubs, that cheat on their wifes with fluffers and crack whores, that take mass amounts of illegal drugs, that carry conceiled weapons without proper permits, that beat their wifes, that can't speak proper english because the hardly got their GED, that bitches about their salary of 20 Million, that don't vote or have any idea who is running for office. Sweet role models, yet you're worried roids will comproimise their image? WOW


I say let them do whatever they need to do to perform to the best of their ability, if that means taking performance enhancing drugs so be it...I could care less about them or what it does to their bodies, they are here for my entertainment and are paid extremely well for it to.


I sort of have a gladiator mentality about this...love it or hate it. These people are expendable and if you can't keep the edge and stay with the rest of the pack then you're out. Like race horses. It's a competative market...and with salaries like these people get, they need to be as competative as they can possible be.



I dont agree with this at all..So your saying if someone doesnt want to harm their bodies by using performance enhancing drugs they should quit the sport they love because they cant compete with a drug addict?


Granted it takes skill to play a sport and no amount of drugs can help ya if you suck at life at it..So insted we tell professional athletes its ok to dope up and shorten thier careers just so they can hit a 500 ft. home run instead of a 400 ft. one?

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Its amazing how many people hate on the best team..... Los Angeles Dodgers ! cry me a river, buid me a bridge and GET OVER IT!



HAHAHA thats funny u may have got the best coach Torre but its all about the YANKEES!

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I dont agree with this at all..So your saying if someone doesnt want to harm their bodies by using performance enhancing drugs they should quit the sport they love because they cant compete with a drug addict?


Granted it takes skill to play a sport and no amount of drugs can help ya if you suck at life at it..So insted we tell professional athletes its ok to dope up and shorten thier careers just so they can hit a 500 ft. home run instead of a 400 ft. one?


Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. If those select group of people aren't willing to subject their bodies to the potental harm they may face move on to the next person. After all we are talking about the BEST players here right. If that means the best players need growth hormones to compete then so be it. If you don't want to take them train harder, know one is saying you HAVE to take them, but if it makes the game more fun to watch and more competative then why the hell not. Sports are meant to be entertaining, if thats what they get paid millions to do then they know the road they are putting themselves down ahead of time.


That's another thing no one talks about. Taking Roids or HGH or anything else guarantees you nothing. You still have to train, work hard and put in the time just like everyone else. If I gave roids to someone who sat on the couch it doesn't make him into a superpowered pro athlete...it makes him into a slob with man tits and tiny balls.


Last year I was invited to watch the Detroit Demolition play (Womens Pro football) After the game I was asked how I liked it...being the ass I am I told the truth and said it was "ok, but I don't like watching team that is considered a 'Pro' team that I felt I could have played in and done better." I feel the same way about mens sports. If I am going to take the time and pay money to watch a "Pro" sports team I want them to be a bunch of freak shows doing unbelievable things. I want to be entertained...yeah I guess I want the 500ft homer...I want the hat trick, I want buzzer beater...I want people willing ot take it to the next level.

Edited by W2W402 (see edit history)
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Yes, that is exactly what I am saying. If those select group of people aren't willing to subject their bodies to the potental harm they may face move on to the next person. After all we are talking about the BEST players here right. If that means the best players need growth hormones to compete then so be it. If you don't want to take them train harder, know one is saying you HAVE to take them, but if it makes the game more fun to watch and more competative then why the hell not. Sports are meant to be entertaining, if thats what they get paid millions to do then they know the road they are putting themselves down ahead of time.


That's another thing no one talks about. Taking Roids or HGH or anything else guarantees you nothing. You still have to train, work hard and put in the time just like everyone else. If I gave roids to someone who sat on the couch it doesn't make him into a superpowered pro athlete...it makes him into a slob with man tits and tiny balls.


Last year I was invited to watch the Detroit Demolition play (Womens Pro football) After the game I was asked how I liked it...being the ass I am I told the truth and said it was "ok, but I don't like watching team that is considered a 'Pro' team that I felt I could have played in and done better." I feel the same way about mens sports. If I am going to take the time and pay money to watch a "Pro" sports team I want them to be a bunch of freak shows doing unbelievable things. I want to be entertained...yeah I guess I want the 500ft homer...I want the hat trick, I want buzzer beater...I want people willing ot take it to the next level.



The answer to all of this is simple... create the "doppers league of america" or DLA and the "Naturaly aspirated league of America" or NALA. And now you can choose who you support. Now as for me it is a tuff decision... I like forced induction but to what extreme?... :confused::dunno:

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