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College Newbie


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i enrold in my local community college, i start in two weeks, this is really my first time attending any college, and about two years from last attending high school, so i was just wondering if there is something i should be aware of or would be helpfull getting thru the semester that you guys might know about and would like to share.


o,btw, did i mention there is going to be a lot of college girls :jester::jester:





cant whait. :drool:



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Never buy or sell back your books at the college bookstore. Their always a rip off.




Few other words of wisdom from someone just graduating. My community college experience was nothing big so I will shed some wisdom from when I first moved away. Dont F off too much. I saw alot of people get kicked out of school or put on probation for low grades. The first semester is a big test and alot of people who party too much don't pass it. I am not saying dont have a good time, because trust me I did, but if you are doing it only for that then you are just going to blow a ton of money and not get anywhere. Be prepared to right papers alot and do insane amounts of home work. Redbull or Amp will become your best friends and you might want to consider buying stock in the companies lol. College is alot of fun but it is alot of work. Don't forget to work hard along the way but enjoy it too because it will be over way too fast. Take lots of pictures and do some crazy stuff, make some good memories. There is so much I could say about my college experience, but I will save you all the lengthy reminising, because I already feel like an old man telling you to study hard lol. Enjoy it!



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learn to spell first :jester:


I agree.


Using slang or abbreviations in a college paper will not work.


It's even annoying in a truck forum.


My advice, save the partying for weekends.


BTW, I'd hit every chick in the picture, except the one on the far right.

Edited by SS Silv (see edit history)
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I just graduated in May '08...I truly wish I could go back for atleast one more semester. It was the time of my life.


Work hard during the week, get all of your work done ahead of time. Professors like students who take the initiative, meet with your professors if you don't feel like you have a grip on an assignment/lecture. Turn in your papers early and ask your professors to proof-read them. 99.9% of the time this results in a higher grade because they see you as a go-getter and not a slacker who waits until the last minute. Don't even think about handing in an assignment/paper late thinking you'll just take the lower grade...BAD! DON'T earn a reputation as a partier or a slacker that walks into class 10 min late every day, because your professor will ride you like crazy...I've seen this 100's of times. Contribute to class discussions (if possible) because sometimes this is part of your grade. Don't miss class or walk out of class or sleep in class, this gives the professor a bad opinion of you. AND PLEASE do not adapt the "I pay your salary so I can do what I want" theory about professors...respect them!


With that said, go out on the weekends and have fun! Meet new people, I met some of my best friends in college! Use Sundays to get back into the zone for the week ahead. Stay focused 24/7!



Edited by KissMySilvSS (see edit history)
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Never buy or sell back your books at the college bookstore. Their always a rip off.


yeah i totally agree. buy your books on ebay or amazon, just make sure you do it far enough in advance that you have them on your first day. Keep your books too never sell them back. I was lucky and my parents paid for college, but my dad did not mind that i sold my books back in order to make a little extra cash, but he waned me that i would regret it and boy was he right, now that im in the workforce i have forgotten many things and i wish i had those books now, they would be great refferences.


I just graduated in May '08...I truly wish I could go back for atleast one more semester. It was the time of my life.

AND PLEASE do not adapt the "I pay your salary so I can do what I want" theory about professors...respect them!


I agree and disagree a little with this statement. It is very important that you respect your professors, they know what they are talking about. On the other hand you do pay there salary and make sure they treat you with the respect you deserve and not some punk kid like they do in high schools. i had a few college professors that were like that, and i never let them forget who paid there salary.


Another piece of advice i can give you is find out what the teacher wants you to do and do it. You need to find out what your professors morals and beliefs are and write papers accordingly. This was extremely difficult for me because i am very opinionated and strong willed, and i know my grades suffered in some cases because of it. I had one professor in college that i know for a fact graded me on my political and moral beliefs and not on the content of the paper, he did the same thing to my sister a few years earlier and a couple of buddy's of mine in college.


everyone else has hit the nail right on the head, don't party too much, only on Fridays and Saturdays. show up to class on time, ask lots of questions, respect your teachers and your peers, study hard, but not to hard that you wear yourself out.

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thanks everyone :thumbs: (yes, even the smart ass :P:D )


ill do my best and hope to get what i whant and need in order to move forward in life and persue my dream




and on the way score as much as possible :jester: hehe

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Never buy or sell back your books at the college bookstore. Their always a rip off.


:withstupid: Agreed, use Amazon.com or Barnes&Noble.com first.....if all else fails, then go to your campus bookstore.




Having graduated from college 3 years ago, take the following advice from me......pay attention, take plenty of good notes, and don't be afraid to ask questions. The only stupid question is the one that never gets asked. Your college education is what you make it, so make it great. :thumbs:

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Never buy or sell back your books at the college bookstore. Their always a rip off.


Seriously man.. I paied 60$ for one of my books this semester and when I go to sell it back They give me 15$

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