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Pulling To The Leeft


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I have had a alignment every two weeks now for a month and just put on new tires. The alignment was dead center. It still pulls to the left and I don't know what it could be. it's been doing it for a long time. it made my last set of tires wear uneven. I don't want this to happen to my new set of tire. I'm gettin ready to move and I will be driving cross county. If any body has any suggestions please chime in.




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I have had a alignment every two weeks now for a month and just put on new tires. The alignment was dead center. It still pulls to the left and I don't know what it could be. it's been doing it for a long time. it made my last set of tires wear uneven. I don't want this to happen to my new set of tire. I'm gettin ready to move and I will be driving cross county. If any body has any suggestions please chime in.




That's odd that it's still pulling with the new tires and alignment. Has the alignment always been done at the same shop? Might try a different place to get it aligned is all I can figure. If their equipment hasn't been calibrated lately maybe that's the problem.


I know on my winter wheels I could tell when a tire was getting low because it would begin to pull slight right. But yours are new. Hmm check the tire pressure, cant hurt.


I wish I had a solid answer for you. Maybe someone else can chime in on this one, Let us know what you find out.

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outer edge. I ve been to 2 different shops.


Is it both front tires or just one? There are a few possibilities, all depends on your answer to this question................


Also, how many miles are on your truck, and how many miles do you put on it per week?

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I hate to say it, but I do not think it is an alignment issue....I manage a fleet of 25 Chevrolet vans and I see this all the time. Excessive wear on the outer edge is from a lack of tire rotation, the cure will most likely be to rotate your tires more often. How often do you rotate your tires? Also, taking turns sharp and quick, and going too fast around windy roads will cause this too. Turn your steering wheel in either direction while the truck is parked, you will see the the tire(s) tend to lean on the outer edge........

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