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Letter From A Dodge Dealer

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so the guy who probably wasnt even born in the US and has barely any political experience is causing problems? I wish we could have seen that comin..


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I can offer you some amusing observations


in my humble opinion






Dan :rolleyes:

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Sure, American greed and some lack of oversight or regulation allowed the current economic conditions to happen. Allen Greenspan and his pushing for low income "no doc" loans helped. Commission greedy loan officers and their companies pushing them to talk anyone into a loan that "qualified" because they had a pulse and a 620 credit score into a home they could no way afford also played a huge roll. The regualr american Joe Schmoe who had an 800 credit score and wanted another $40k line of credit on his home who didnt care if you were honest and told him his house wasnt worth $300k, it was only worth $260k, would find an appraiser or bank that would just agree with him and give him the moneybased on $300k anyway also played a roll. The other major factor that contributed more than anything though was globalization and 30 years of Administrations refusing to impose tariffs on imports, allowing all of our manufacturing to go over seas. First textiles went, followed by industrial manufacturing, then went customer service and IT jobs, and now food production isnt far behind (think I'm kidding? do some research on it. Less than 50% of food in the US stands to produced in the US in the coming years). This is the main reason we are turning into a service economy because service cant be outsourced as it can only be done here. So we are turning into a nation that will wait on each other for an economy, sounds fun huh? Medical industry will be the highest paying until we get socialized medicine and that industry collapses as it converts from privatization to nationalization. I have to agree with Dylan06ss that unions didnt help any of this. However, neither did NAFTA, or other policies prior to, that helped free trade send plants anf jobs over seas. However, who can blame them for pushing for this when they had to pay someone with just a GED $30/hr plus triple overtime sometimes to accomplish 50% capability production of a simple part or some other mundane task?


Regardless of what caused this mess, which is a lot more than we have time to discuss here, our country is absolutely heading in the WRONG direction. Was four of McCain better than 4yrs of Obama? That is debatable, but most likely the answer is "It didnt matter who got elected and who preceeded them". Our country's attitude and priorities have been messed up for longer than 8years. Our nations issues go far deeper than any presidential leader or even congress for that matter. We have a nation of uneducated people who are more focused on a pantyless Spears or baby daddy drama with Kfed or Paris Hilton's sex tape than what is going on in the stock market or even being voted on in congress. Everyone says they care, but no one is willing to do anything about it except maybe vote for change, without knwoing what that change is. Everyone wants to blame guns on all the mass shootings, but no one wants to examine it might the pressures our current society has imposed on an individual. Make no mistake, I'm not defending these individuals and there is no excuse, but please explain why there werent any of these shootings 50 yrs ago in schools like there are today? Because the US had a different attitude about raising children and family dynamics, thats why. As a society, we have allowed this to happen. The average citizen doesnt comprehend or understand what is going on. No one takes the time to educate themselves. They buy some propaganda and jump on either the conservative or liberal bandwagon and are quick to judge spewing rhetoric without facts.

One of the big differences is that 50 years ago people payed attention to what their kids were doing, and threw down some real disipline when they got out of line. Now CPS gets involved with how we raise our children. My wife is a teacher, and I can't tell you how many times the parents blame the teachers, or make some excuse, for their childrens disipline issues. I know when I was a kid if you got in trouble at school I got it twice as bad at home. Parents didn't make excuses, they just said I'll take care of it.
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I feel sorry for all the chums who didn't buy a GM or Dodge/Chrysler brand ext'd warranty at the dealership. Instead, most dealers try to cram their own "in house, el cheep-o" brand ext'd warranties at the new/used car buyers. These "aftermarket" warranties are simply garbage if that selling dealership folds. :(


Another reason to only buy the manufaturers brand ext'd warranties... :thumbsup:

Edited by Bad Bowtie (see edit history)
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I feel sorry for all the chums who didn't buy a GM or Dodge/Chrysler brand ext'd warranty at the dealership. Instead, most dealers try to cram their own "in house, el cheep-o" brand ext'd warranties at the new/used car buyers. These "aftermarket" warranties are simply garbage if that selling dealership folds. :(


Another reason to only buy the manufaturers brand ext'd warranties... :thumbsup:

:withstupid: I hate dealing with aftermarket warranty companies. They are the biggest freakin' rip off.
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