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Mom Kills Son Twice

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This is soooo depresing. :( You should be killed how you killed....BUT severly beaten first!!!! It's sick that a mother could take her own child's life....my mom wouldn't let anyone hold me till i was like 5 months old how could someone after 3 years take her own childs life....put me in a room with her for five minutes thats all I ask.

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Why spend time, money and effort to try and keep her from killing herself. Do the world a favor and let her remove herself from society. I just can't believe that I, as well as any member of my family, would gladly give their life to save my 3yr old daughters who is battling Leukemia, and this woman takes the life of a healthy child because of selfishness. Didn't want the child to grow up with no one caring about him, OMG, pour the love to that child and that will not happen, what an idiot.

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