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Unhappy With My Track Times


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So i took my truck out to Southwestern International Raceway here in Tucson, the weather was kinda cool for this time of year it started out at 6 o'clock it was 95* and cooled off to 85* by 9 when i left. Im angry with my times, the best i could do was 15.43@ 88.53, and I averaged 15.57@ 88.2, that is so much slower than my personal best of 14.76 @91.5 and those were close to the times i was running when the truck was stock. :banghead: Now the elevation of SIR is 3075 feet so i know that can effect it, but that much? It was not really that Hot and it was only like 8% humidity, Im disappointed i could not even break into the 14s


Im wondering If i should look into getting my truck re tuned? Im hoping that the Glasspacks are not effecting the performance any, does anyoe have and suggestions?


Here is a list of my track experience since i got my truck


Medford Oregon

Stock except flowmaster 50 series muffler

1410 feet elevation, 85*-90*, No hummidity

Best: 15.6@ 89.4


Woodburn Oregon

K&N, 50 Series Flowmaster, 160* stat, Nelson Performance Tune

154 fee elevation, 85*-95*, Low Hummidity

Avg: 14.97@ 89.8

Best: 14.76@ 91.5


Portland Oregon

K&N, 50 Series Flowmaster, 160* stat, Nelson Performance Tune

29 feet elevation, 80*-85*, Med Humidity

Avg: 14.88@ 90.1

Best: 14.80@ 90.25


Phoenix Arizona

K&N, Dual Glasspacks, 160* stat, Nelson Performance Tune

1250 feet elevation, 95*-100*, Low Humidity

Avg: 15.25@ 8.98

Best: 15.11@ 89.68


Tucson Arizona

K&N, Dual Glasspacks, 160* stat, Nelson Performance Tune

3075 feet elevation, 85*-95*, Low Humidity

Avg: 15.57@ 88.2

Best: 15.43@ 88.53


The only real cool thing that came out of tonight was i was working on my reaction time, i managed to get a .001, and my worst was a .13 so not to bad IMO

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LOL, welcome to the wonderful world of DA!!! Heat soak is a bitch, especially w/ a DA probably over 4000. I mean you could have a fouled plug or wire, but DA will change times drastically. I ran 8.0s back at home all the time, out here I've mustered one 8.29. The rest have all been in the 8.3s and 8.4s. Swing of 3000DA personally... That would take me from my usual 12.7s to 13.2s... And who knows how well your truck reacts to heat soak... Check the plugs and wires, but i'd bet when you got in some cooler weather and lower elevation your times would drop into the 14s again.

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You've got some drastic changes in elevation between your runs there.


After looking over the usual.. MAF, TB, Plugs, Wires etc..


If your still concerned about it, have it logged by Nelson so he can fine tune your PCM

Edited by JaymzSS (see edit history)
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LOL, welcome to the wonderful world of DA!!! Heat soak is a bitch, especially w/ a DA probably over 4000. I mean you could have a fouled plug or wire, but DA will change times drastically. I ran 8.0s back at home all the time, out here I've mustered one 8.29. The rest have all been in the 8.3s and 8.4s. Swing of 3000DA personally... That would take me from my usual 12.7s to 13.2s... And who knows how well your truck reacts to heat soak... Check the plugs and wires, but i'd bet when you got in some cooler weather and lower elevation your times would drop into the 14s again.


dam i didnt think about that

well i know you hear about texas over 100degrees EVERYDAY

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i think your problem is the elevation you ran a best of 14.7 @ 154 ft of elevation compared to 15.5 @ 3000 ft of elevation that is a HUGEEEEE!! difference,that will kill your time no question about it.....here is an example zippy over in Michigan were the elevation is 100 or less ft above sea leavel (not sure)he ran a best of 13.9. he move here to vegas and ran a 14.5 @ 2000 ft of elevation so dont worry their is nothing wrong with your time is just the DA elevation killing it.....come down to vegas when its 50-60 degrees its 1000 less ft than tucson,you will get better times :cheers:

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Ok Thanks guys, im sure its just the elevation just a little disappointed though. I guess i need a SC and i wont have to worry about it lol. Im actually thinking about getting my PCM re-tuned by Zippy Vegas is only 6 hours away and my sister lives there. I guaranty he can do a better job doing a street tune then any other mail order tune.


There was a stock Pontiac G8 GT a the track that could only get the best of 14.4 and i know for a fact those cars stock can run mid to upper 13s so its go to be the heat and elevation, next week im going to take my GFs G6 GTP to the track and see what it can do

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Ok Thanks guys, im sure its just the elevation just a little disappointed though. I guess i need a SC and i wont have to worry about it lol. Im actually thinking about getting my PCM re-tuned by Zippy Vegas is only 6 hours away and my sister lives there. I guaranty he can do a better job doing a street tune then any other mail order tune.


There was a stock Pontiac G8 GT a the track that could only get the best of 14.4 and i know for a fact those cars stock can run mid to upper 13s so its go to be the heat and elevation, next week im going to take my GFs G6 GTP to the track and see what it can do



The SC would make your heat soak issues worse imo.

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