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R.i.p Michael Jackson


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Wow I was shocked to hear that MJ just died, im sure there will be crazy reports in the Tabloids about how exactly he died. As for the other two who died though sad Ed McMan was like 90 so that was only a matter of time, and Farrah Fawcett was battling rectal cancer which does not have a very good sucess rate. Sad though.



I also herd on the radio that Bob Seiger's producer died, and I thought they said Bob Seiger died and I was shocked and almost went crazy, loosing the king of pop and one of my favorite rock and roll stars of all time would just have been to much for me to handle

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made some really great music, but was a really weird person and probably screwed up some kids he "spent time" with. I'm not really sad if I have to be honest with you guys.


great music but the guys was screwed up.

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What a trip. When I was younger, of course that was only a few years ago. :rolleyes: I use to listen to all his music too. Now, they have been playing the song "I'll be there" on one of the commercials, and its stuck in my head.

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