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Got Caught Speedin In Nevada

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i know i was in the wrong... just lookin to get some advice cuz this is my first ever speedin offence...... well i was on my way 2 vegas, nv from arizona. didnt take the dam cuz i knew it was gona be packed for the 4th july (which it was cuz one of my friends took that route). well i was driving 75 in a 65 and passed Needles or searchlight needles..... but them i saw a open road and no other cars next or around me for a good distance and i decided to see where the governer is on this rental that i had gotten..... (bad idea on my part i know) well i floor it got about 120ish and saw a cop and i basically crapped my pants........ got stopped and he asked me if i spoke english(wierd) and i told him yes... told me that one of the cops had seen me do 90 like a lil ways away and when i passed him i was doin 120ish. Asked me if it was a rental and that i was in the military i told him yes. He took my military id and my drivers licence and came back and told me that he cut me some slack cuz and i could have very easily gone to jail for goin that fast.....now what i dont understand is why did he write me a court date for the 19th of aug with speed of 99. and on the ticket it still has ans says that one cop saw me doing 90 and that he saw me do 120x in the remarks or comment section.. can that be used against me in court??... can the judge send me to jail?? (my guess is yes) ... now if the cop doesnt show up will that ticket just be thrown away?? and if i have the option to do traffic school and i take one in AZ ?? i hope they dont suspend my licence i have no clue what to do its like a 3 hour drive to that courtplace from where i live in arizone and i need to figure something out.... i know that next time i wont be trying to c where the limiter is on a car or truck >_< and slow downnnnnnn ... thanks for the advice in advance.

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You do not have to go to court. Get a lawyer here in Nevada to go for you and get it reduced down to a parking ticket. Its not very expensive. I got a speeding ticket a few months ago for going 83 in a 45 but the cop wrote it up for 50 in a 45. then he put 83 in the part where it said auctual speed no big deal!

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Ho boy.


...now what i dont understand is why did he write me a court date for the 19th of aug with speed of 99. and on the ticket it still has ans says that one cop saw me doing 90 and that he saw me do 120x in the remarks or comment section...
The officer decided to cite you at 99-mph to give you a gift, as probably bad things would have been required if you were cited for doing 35+ over the limit -or- the fine chart doesn't go that high! He made notes of the actual situation on the ticket to remind himself of this incident 3-weeks from now when he will be questioned by the judge or prosecutor, and trust me he WILL remember, an officer might stop someone doing 55-over maybe once every few months even out there in the middle of f'n nowhere; add to that the fact you are military (stands out in his mind even more, makes you even more memorable to him) and he and his buddy probably chatted with friends back at the barracks (even more memorable) ... trust me neither of the officers won't have a hard time recalling the event.


...can that be used against me in court??...
Yup. You must remember that a peace officer IS AN OFFICER OF THE COURT, meaning they literally are the eyes and ears of the judge; they aren't the 'mind' of the judge (they cannot make decisions of guilt/innocence) but anything an officer witnesses at any moment is given the exact same weight as if the presiding judge pulled you over and saw/heard the events for them self.


...can the judge send me to jail?? (my guess is yes) ...
I very highly doubt it - this is an area where things have changed a lot in my 25 years roller-skating behind the wheel. In the past felony speeding was common in most all traffic statutes (i.e. when you go ##-mph over the limit it's a mandatory felony) but now most states have taken that off the books to leave that determination in the hands of the officer - what will happen is that the officer will write a ticket for speeding, then optionally write another citation for either 'careless driving' (a misdemeanor) or 'wreckless driving' (a felony). If there was any other traffic present at all on the road he could have justifiably written a wreckless driving ticket and you'd right now be a screwed pooch. HOWEVER you better check the laws of the county you were cited in, because on some county or city statues there is still a felony speeding provision on the books; another thing to consider is work zones, there may be laws mandating jail time if you are speeding in a construction zone with workers present.


...now if the cop doesnt show up will that ticket just be thrown away??
Not necessarily, that's wishful thinking - there's a little more to an automatic dismissal than that.


...and if i have the option to do traffic school and i take one in AZ ??
A lot of traffic schools are available online now, you don't necessarily have to drive back to the citing jurisdiction to take traffic school.


...i hope they dont suspend my licence...
The only action that the State can take is to suspend/revoke your priviledge to drive in that state - they cannot affect your driving priviledges in the other 49 states. However, CA/NV/AZ are very data-friendly, and in the past I have been denied renewal/issuance of my CA license because I had a suspended license in OR.



NEXT TIME - there are right and wrong places to drive like that and on America's single heaviest contraband routes isn't one of them!!! All those major roads around Needles are major drug, arms, and human trafficing routes so they are VERY heavily patroled and anyone going 9-over or higher will be pulled-over gua-ran-teed. Same is true on I30 and I35 through Texas.


Since you are out of state, personally I would not care about the driving points issue - I would take whichever route is cheapest (pay it, fight it, driving school) because it does not affect your AZ driving record at all. If the ticket does get reported to the insurance agency then your rates might get adjusted but you need 2+ tickets and either less-than-perfect credit or history of lapsed insurance.


Mr. P.

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www.cpklaw.com they wont charge for the ticket, but they will take it to court for you, get it reduced and go from there


I have to head down there, call them tomorrow and tell them you are from out of state and ask if you can have someone who lives in Vegas bring it in w/ a copy of your ID


if they say yes shoot me a PM and I will take it as soon as I get it, I need to take my speeding ticket in this week or next

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Yeah I dont think they can take or suspend your license since you are a AZ resident. But it def might be difficult to get a liscense in Nevada, lets hope you never have to move there, hopefully you dont get transferred to Nellis LOL.


Def look into the Traffic school if you can. Most of the time it is available on line and it is super easy. And may i suggest if you have to go to court make sure to wear your best dress uniforms if you can, you may get lucky and find a judge that is a big supporter of the military.


Oh yeah and I agree with Mr. P

Never speed on those roads south of Las Vegas, When i moved down here to AZ i came through there and saw a million and a half cops.

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wow Steve as always u are always very through in ur messages. yea i didnt know that that route was a bad route with al lthe drugs and trafficking stuff. This is my first ticket ever i was just doing something wrong at the wrong place at the wrong time. im gonna try what Mellisa and ridin2slow said and get a lawyer in Nevada to handle it if he/she can and go from there. thanks for all the replys

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Yeah I dont think they can take or suspend your license since you are a AZ resident. But it def might be difficult to get a liscense in Nevada, lets hope you never have to move there, hopefully you dont get transferred to Nellis LOL.

Oh yeah and I agree with Mr. P

Never speed on those roads south of Las Vegas, When i moved down here to AZ i came through there and saw a million and a half cops.


i plan on not being in Nellis cause im getting out in a year. the cop who stopped me was the only cop i saw the whole 5-6 hr ride there..... i dont know where the other cop that saw me doing 90 was at.....

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...Oh yeah and I agree with Mr. P

Never speed on those roads south of Las Vegas...

Tenzin - the ONLY thing that saved your azz is that you were carrying a military ID. Look at the picture from a cops point of view: two young guys hauling ass towards Vegas in a rented car; if the officer did not give you the benifit of the doubt you both would have been sitting curbside with 4 cops around you while the rental car was partly dismatled looking for drugs or drug money. :nono:


I'm not criticising, I've been the one who's had his car searched before!!! I'm just saying, be more careful next time LOL.


Mr. P. :)


And you might be able to get it dismissed on a technicality, because the officer wrote down 3 different speeds on the ticket... just exactly which one are you being accused of?! And does he have a radar reading of 99+ to prove the citation?

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Tenzin - the ONLY thing that saved your azz is that you were carrying a military ID. Look at the picture from a cops point of view: two young guys hauling ass towards Vegas in a rented car; if the officer did not give you the benifit of the doubt you both would have been sitting curbside with 4 cops around you while the rental car was partly dismatled looking for drugs or drug money. :nono:


I'm not criticising, I've been the one who's had his car searched before!!! I'm just saying, be more careful next time LOL.


Mr. P. :)


oh i know steve. i was just saying ur answers are always on point :) and yea it woulda blowed if they dismantled the rental >_< ive learned my lesson ....

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And you might be able to get it dismissed on a technicality, because the officer wrote down 3 different speeds on the ticket... just exactly which one are you being accused of?! And does he have a radar reading of 99+ to prove the citation?


i dont know which one but the area where it says speed on the ticket it says 99... the other numbers are in the remarks or comment part... i dont know about the radar..... cuz i didnt want to get in anymore trouble.....

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...and on the ticket it still has ans says that one cop saw me doing 90 and that he saw me do 120x in the remarks or comment section.. can that be used against me in court??...



(I had the same).


The officer writes that because it's an amended charge by the officer. If you try to fight it or deny it, the judge will see that (and he knows that the officer cut you slack).


My advice, plead to the charge the cop cut you on. It's a big fine, and points, but the judge will know what you were doing. I'm not sure if they can bring back the 120mph part, but if you try to fight it you will definantly lose.


On my ticket the cop put the speed he wrote me for and the actual speed in the corner and circled. The judge knew right away what that meant. He told me that if I had to contest in front of the JOP courts that the amended charge would be dropped and the officer would testify to my actual speed.


Not sure if they can do that, I think they can only go for the statute quoted on the ticket, but it's not worth the risk.


Might be worth getting a lawyer.

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Also, if the cop doesn't show that doesn't mean it will be thrown out. The only time it gets thrown is if the cop doesn't show on your court date (as in if you decide to contest). If you are not contesting the ticket and it's a regular mandatory court appearance, the cop doesn't have to show. He only has to be there if you want to argue in front of the judge.


In that case, they will postpone the court date and the cop will be there next time. If he doesn't show then, and they can't locate him for the court date, it'll gets thrown (as there is noone to contest your side or testify otherwise).


Hope it helps. By the way: Take all our advice with a grain of salt. None (or not many at least) are lawyers or know 100% your laws or situation. If you go in the court with a "I watched this on Law and Order" attitude the judge will laugh at you.


It may be worth a shot to ask the judge for a "497.2 amendment". It's a fine that the judge can set at his discretion, but carries zero points. If he declines, just pay the ticket.


(497.2 can only be used 2 times in a 5 year span, if you try for a third it's an automatic 5 points from the DMV. Even if the judge doesn't catch it, the DMV will. So use them sparingly.)

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credibility! if there are discrepancies in the officers story then, you may be able to pull something off. just hire a lawyer here in vegas for 75 bucks and let him take care of it.

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