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Battery Or Alternator?


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Hey Guys, I have a question. Lately my battery is dead everytime I go to start my SSS. I had a buddy use a battery tester to see if the battery was shot, and it said that the battery was fine but needed to be charged. I left the battery on a trickle charger for like 16 hours until it said that the battery was fully charged. The truck started right up after that. I went to work, barely started after sitting for 9ish hours. Went home, truck sat for about 12 hours and the battery was dead again. I think that the battery is simply not holding a charge, because when the truck is running it is fine, no dimming of anything when power is used and voltage stays at a constant 14. I just dont want to replace the battery and have it be the alternator or vice versa. Any insight or help would be appreciated. My jumper cables are getting quite the workout lately.


Thanks in advance for your help!

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get the truck turned on and disconnect the batter while the truck is running. If the truck remains on then the battery needs replacing. If the truck dies then the alternator needs replacing. Hope this helps

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Is your battery light on? What is your volt guage reading? Sounds like a bad battery to me.....



:withstupid: The only thing that makes me secound guess it, is that you said it tested ok. Define ok. What did you use to test it. You could do a couple of simple tests with a meter. Load test the battery, check the charging output of the alternator, finally I would check for excessive key off draw. From the sounds of it, it is most likely a battery. Secound guess would be excessive draw.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, took Arts advice and truck ran fine, it was the battery for sure. Alternator was putting out 14 volts with HID's, fan on high and radio cranked. One of the battery cells was dead I was told, picked up an Interstate MTP-78 for $89. Glad it wasn't the alternator.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, took Arts advice and truck ran fine, it was the battery for sure. Alternator was putting out 14 volts with HID's, fan on high and radio cranked. One of the battery cells was dead I was told, picked up an Interstate MTP-78 for $89. Glad it wasn't the alternator.



Glad you got it figured out bro :cheers:

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