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Just Messing Around Today

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I was bored today waiting for the paint to dry on the other covers, so I painted my fire extinguisher. I carry one in my truck just in case. So, painted some flames on it. I still have to add some hot spots, and clear it, but you get the idea.







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Thanks guys. This isn't my best flames yet. I'm still working on my own parts, but I've been waiting for something to get here so I can finish one of them. The clear will make it glow some more, but not much. It will also be harder to see from the camera pics, because of the glare.

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your crazy with the paint man! awesome wish i could paint so bad

Don't be afraid of it, just pick up an airbrush and go do it! You can find some airbrushes on line for about $100, but then the compressor and paint will kill you. If you (or anyone for that matter) are interested, let me know, I'll give you some linkys that will teach you how. You will have to learn, but it comes natural to some people. If you can draw, then you can paint. That's all there is to it.

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cant wait to get my covers done. my wifes job closed there doors so im the only one paying bills. so with all on army wages its hard but soon Terry ill get them to ya.


OH BTW: RANGERS LEAD THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL


nice work as allways Terry

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Ha Ha, yep the Rangers got us beat. But at least I'm still "Airborne". I've still got alot of training like you guys did. Alot of recon, repelling from the choppers, jungle training, etc. I've been to Cairo in Egypt and loaded ammo under top secret orders, and all kinds of goodies. Been inside of the pyramids and seen where King Tut was buried. It was fun going there. Almost got shot from the Egyption soldiers by taking pics of the old Fantom fighter jets in a top secret area. Yeah, that was fun. My C.O. had to come and rescue me from them, otherwise they were going to put me in jail.

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