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Narrowly Escaped A Horrible Experience!


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So I put up all my vehicles for sale because my wife's health has not been good and she was laid off, and I am an electrical contractor and the bottom has fell out of my business. So Yesterday I sold the wifes Murano and while I was taking the money and giving them the title someone called me wanting to come look at the SSS. So I gave him directions and he asked alot of questions and said he was bringing money and coming to get it. That evening I was telling my wife that someone was coming to get the sss and she said the words I had been waiting to hear, "Lets keep it"!! I jumped up and down and danced the dance of joy!! I didn't really, but I wanted too, I just called him back and gave him the bad news. Anyway, thats how I narrowly escaped a horrible experience. lol. Anyway, just wanted to let yall know I'm still in the family!! Later





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