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Ss Fire...fuc*ing Totalled


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The wife went to gas up the SSS for me last week and took the kids. Stopped at a light and noticed it seemed smokey. Then it got hot. She hit the gas to go through the light and it went in reverse first...messed with the shifter and got through the light. Stopped at an empty lot after intersection and got out. Flames under the engine bay! She got the kids out and within 1-2 minutes, flames everywhere. Someone had called 911 and fire dept got there FAST but it was to late. She called me worried i was gonna go POSTAL. I got there about 10 minutes after it happened. Thank GOD the family was OK. walked over to the truck and the thing is fuking gone. Dash and headliner took a hit. Looked like electrical around the battery or the battery itself. Not sure how bad the fire will hit the engine bay parts. Fire Marshall couldn't really tell origin. For those that have seen this truck, you know what i'm feeling. For those that don't, SEARCH MOOG5050 for "AWD 03 Silverado SS" or check it out here for more recent pics with different wheels and a 2/4 drop http://s711.photobucket.com/albums/ww112/sleepingcrna/ .


I'll have pics posted up tomorrow night. I just had them load it up and take it to a garage. I could'nt stand to look at it, so i'll snap some tomorrow. My insurance is supposed to look at it tomorrow or Tuesday to let me know what i can buy it back for on salvage. If any of you have been down this road or have any input for me before dealing with my insurance, i'd appreciate any comments. I know everyone's SS is special and original, but this SS was truly an original to me. Mike

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I'll have pics posted up tomorrow night. I just had them load it up and take it to a garage. I could'nt stand to look at it, so i'll snap some tomorrow



wow sorry to hear that but glad your family got out. Again sorry for the loss..

Edited by Sick03ss (see edit history)
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sorry to hear about the truck but you know what? a truck is a truck, but your family is what really matters here. i am really glad to hear that they are all ok. i would much rather hear that your truck caught fire, than hear that your family were victims. big ups to your wife for staying composed and getting everyone to safety.


so even in a negative event, you are a very lucky man!

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It happened, it sucks, but at least you have insurance. Hopefully state farm or allstate so you don't get a lot of headaches. There isn't much you can do about what you put into the truck unless it was covered. If not the company will just give you the cost of the vehicle.


On the bright side, you still have your family and everyone came out alright.

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sorry to hear about the truck but you know what? a truck is a truck, but your family is what really matters here. i am really glad to hear that they are all ok. i would much rather hear that your truck caught fire, than hear that your family were victims. big ups to your wife for staying composed and getting everyone to safety.


so even in a negative event, you are a very lucky man!





Exactly !! I haven't been upset once since it happened. Keep running over and over in my mind what would've happened if she couldn't get one of them out. Sad about the truck....yes. Angry...NO. That's exactly what i was thinking as i was looking at the SS and looking back at my family. It's only a truck. But DAMN, it was a REAL NICE TRUCK.


I don't think you really every know what you're gonna get from insurance until you get the check, but i think they'll be fair. I bought the truck for a fair price with the mods and i did it knowing that if it ever got totalled, i was out the mods. I'm ok with that. The difficult part is that it was done SO WELL ! To have that again probably won't happen, cuz i don't have the time or know-how and certainly won't put that much money into it. Tons of respect for those that can and do. Especially for those that put everything into this particular SS.

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My advice with the insurance company... BE STERN!


Don't be passive, YOU TELL THEM what's going to happen. If you say say "uh huh" and listen to them, they will control the situation.


REMEMBER THIS TERM: Good Faith Attorney... they are scared to death of this.


Do some research on Google about fighting insurance companies, remember some of the steps just so you can throw it at them in case they try to stiff you. If you sound like you know the ropes and are ready for a fight, the adjuster will be less likely to try to pull the wool over your eyes. Also, don't just let them take their time... don't try to be "the good guy" or go with the flow; be a pain in the aSS... they are a billion dollar company make sure they know it's urgent and you need someone asap.


Saved my aSS when my truck got damaged.


As far as the mods, tell them you want to swap out for the OEM parts (if you still have them) ... tell them if they won't cover the mods in the claim that they have no legal rights to keep them. If they don't pay you for them, it's not their property.

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sorry to hear about the truck but you know what? a truck is a truck, but your family is what really matters here. i am really glad to hear that they are all ok. i would much rather hear that your truck caught fire, than hear that your family were victims. big ups to your wife for staying composed and getting everyone to safety.


so even in a negative event, you are a very lucky man!


Agreed! I am very sorry for the loss though. I hope everything works out for you!

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even if we don't have a fluid heater, washer fluid is still very flammable. since you mentioned the battery, and the reservoir being close to the battery.

Edited by WODY™ (see edit history)
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