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Roommate Drama


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Don't lie to the authorities. I would also be careful what you volunteer; just tell them "I just discovered he's growing, I don't know what to do, I'm over my head here and I want to be responsible (don't forget to use the R-word, very important) and do the right thing and not damage my future." Let the authorities take care of him, and then for your own safety move.


Mr. P.

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Don't lie to the authorities. I would also be careful what you volunteer; just tell them "I just discovered he's growing, I don't know what to do, I'm over my head here and I want to be responsible (don't forget to use the R-word, very important) and do the right thing and not damage my future." Let the authorities take care of him, and then for your own safety move.


Mr. P.


i love u steve. u make me feel so special!!! hahaha no but i really appreciate it everyone im telling him to have it ALL gone before i come back to the house and if not things WILL change..

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i love u steve. u make me feel so special!!! hahaha no but i really appreciate it everyone im telling him to have it ALL gone before i come back to the house and if not things WILL change..

Ha. Ha. Ha. :wtf: Tommy Boy. :jester:


OK if that's how you want to handle it, I won't stop you. And I'll never tell you that I told you so. But the problem WILL NOT go away, you will be right back here given enough time. There is only one possible outside way, and that is you pull a Dog Whisperer on him and he finally respects you. But I don't see it happening, *probably* he'll cave-in to save his ass, but since you've already threatened he will forever see you as a threat and that is not respect, it's fear and when a personality like that fears you, they go from kinda unstable to plain f'n nuts AND WORST OF ALL PARANOID about YOU and liable to go super-drama-llama any moment. You want to live with a paranoid, high-drama, no-respect drug dealin' POS well that's your choice as long as you accept the reality for what it is. I'll stop there. Whatever you decide, lemme know how I can help.


Mr. P.

Edited by Mr. P. (see edit history)
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i'm going to add an input, i really don't care though if you get mad! wtf are you doing with a roommate/friend that disrespects you in "YOUR" house, smokes "WEED" in your house, and then is trying to get rid of your belongings, that isn't a friend, that is a ****in loser waiting to rat your ass out if the cops raid your home! If i were you I'd kick his ass the **** out, don't be stupid about this!

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dude kick his ass out! you dont need to be around that crap, especially goin to college. you not only have this guy smokin pot in the house and sellin it, but he's growin it in the dining room too.. that crosses the line. just get a new roommate. put up an ad for roommate wanted tomarrow. if for some reason the cops come over cuz sumone tips them off about u havin pot in ur house, its you goin down. possession in 99% of the law. u have a better chance goin up to a cop stoned out your mind with no pot on u and get away with it than them finding it in your house and you not even smoke. just like if u were to get pulled over with other people n ur truck that had drugs on them, ur goin down. besides this guy seems like a big doucher anyways! im lookin to transfer colleges soon ill b ur roommate lol

happy birthday too :chevy:

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Give him 30 days notice, and throw his stuff out. If something happens, your in trouble for harboring him, and the issue at hand. Plus, the cops will seize your truck as evidence and say you paid for your modifications with drug money.


Edit- happy bday

Edited by 03mass (see edit history)
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I agree things will not change. He is a danger to your future because he keeps doing that shit in YOUR home. As far as the other drama. I have had plenty with my roomates. You are always going to get in fits and throw shit and move stuff and all that. Eventually everyone gets sick of living with roomates and they fight. No biggie. My old roomates are 2 of my best friends still. When it comes to illegal shit like that though you can't take a chance. If he really was a friend he would not put your life and future in harms way. Sounds like hes got to go bro.

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Bob be safe cause if athourites catch wind and wanna raid all your stuff will get ruined and you will get busted too i dont wanna see you go through that.


on another note HAPPY B-DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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That situation totally blows. If things go bust, you will def be an accessory and have way more problems than you would like to imagine. If he is already being a dick about shit, then tell him he has 30 days to get out. You have to do this so he can't come back on you with legal stuff about moving out, stuff, etc. Don't let him screw up your life with this crap. You need to get away from it. Notify the authorities if he doesn't want to comply, but make sure you cover your ass just in case he tries to trap you in the mess because he is bitter about what will go down.

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Your are just best to get him out of you house period. He has no respect for you or your property and you don't need that. I'm sure you are just stressed out as can be right now with all of this stuff hanging over your head. This situation can get ugly real quick. Not only can he go down for growing plants and smoking you could also. Its your house and you are growing in your house and its his word against yours. Though you may pass a drug screen you can't prove that you are not growing and selling it. Get him out ASAP!


On a side note Happy Birthday!

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actually i talked to my sister whos a lawyer, since ive come forward and asked him to stop and have spoken to many ppl about it, i have the right infor to to not get in trouble because i have told him to quit and reported it to a lawyer. plust its in his room and i would pass a drug test in a heart beat!!!



Happy B-day...Honestly I don't agree with this at all....Thats like driving a get away car and saying because you told him NOT to rob that bank you did nothing wrong. Its going on in your house with your knowledge...no bueno.

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