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Pictures Of The Truck

USMC Silverado

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The headlights are a little jacked, but i had them centered, sadly the guy before me who owned the truck wrecked it and took it to a shade tree shop to get the repair work done for cheap so yeah it has it's blimishes and all but it gives it personality... washing a truck in 40 degree weather is nothing new to me, i washed it a few days ago and it was 48 or 49 (almost 50 but not quite) i'm ordering all new lights for it though both headlight and bumper lights and tail lights that's when i'm going to focus on fixing the alignment.


The hood honestly, no clue where it came from, i bought it when i got the truck and the guy had the hood and said i could have it if i wanted it so i put it on haha. Kevin, i'll take a look around and see if i can find where the hood came from.

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