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We have built several more roll pans for those of you who didn't get in on the first run of roll pans. There are several guys on this site who have them installed now so you can check them out.


Call me @ 316-858-1197 to order yours.


Here's one installed on adams truck.



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BSER, I just installed the rolpan yesterday. I think you will like a fe ideas I has with it. I will have pics available later today. Looks great. You did a fine job. Just since yesterday people have stopped and asked about it.

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Could someone do some photoshop for me? Im not too good at that.


I was thinking that bser could put an ss on both sides of the roll pan as tailights. And shave the taillights. But I cant think of anything for reverse lights. Maybe put silverado under each ss as the reverse lights. I dont know but I know yall can think of somethin.

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Hey Bser, I sent an email to you about a roll pan, I didnt want to call and bother you this weekend, plus, I figured it was your shop number anyway. Let me know when and where to call you about price and availability, thanks again.


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Got it thanks, I will have to run it past the wife. It is dependant apon me getting a loan for a house, she says if we have no tight garage, then I dont need the pan!!! I will still see what I can pull off. How much is it to have them painted(approximate). Thanks once again.


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Wow that is nice, ssjonathan did you change your class three hitch to a lower profile one to work with it? I haven't used PM yet, but could you send me the price BSER? Is it metal, plasitc, or glass? Thanks.

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Yes, I changed the Hicth to a hidden hitch which I got through Stylin Concepts. It works really good. You can order a spare tire relocator, but I agree with BSER it shows too much underneath the truck for my taste. So I have just removed it. I am deciding whether to go with a Goodmark hood next or a Gemtop Bedcover....I can't decide.... :uhoh:

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SSJohnathan, what do the hidden hitches run and what brand did you use? Or will any hidden hitch brand work? I am going to start the paper work on having my house built tomorrow, so, that means I get the roll pan!!

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The brand is Hidden Hitch you can order it from several vendors. I can get it for you but I think you can it cheaper elsewhere; some things i just can't compete on and I don't like to sell things when you get get a better deal elswhere.

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Bob, so I should just go check it out on Stylin Concepts.com and Hidden Hitch is the brand you modeled your pan after? I will probably be giving you a call sometime soon, we sign the contract sunday and that means that I can get the pan. Thanks for all your help.


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