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Python 991

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Well, I had a Python 991 installed in my girl's 2006 GMC Envoy, and nothing seems to work correctly. You have to activiate the alarm system before the dome lights go out (delayed dome lights) or the alarm will be set off. If you alarm the system before they go out, the alarm chirps and the remote says door open, until the lights go out, then it goes back to normal condition. The installer claims that there is nothing they can do about this, that you can't get around the dome light delay problem. Though, my 1999 Camaro RS did not do this (990) and either does my 2004 SSS (also 990) which both of course, has a dome light delay. Now, we have noticed, that sometimes the remote start works correctly, other times it decides to start, run for about 7 seconds, shuts off for another 5 seconds, then restarts this cycle until you either shut it off by remote or place the key in, set to on position, and depress the brake pedal to deactiviate the system. I know nothing of this stuff, and getting no where with the installer... though I have yet to pay for the parts, and have no intention of doing so until I am satisfied. Help!!

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Well, got it fixed. Went to another town down the interstate, had them remove the old system all together, and then put their product in. Everything works just fine now... and has a life time warranty on the installed product and installation, only thing not covered is the remote, but it has a 2 year warranty.

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the reason it didn't work the first time from what is sounds like without seeing it was that he had the door trigger hooked up to the dome light wire instead of the door trigger. i didn't look up the wiring information on the car but lazy installers do this because it saves time and is usually easy to find. not the right way but it happens everyday. as far as the car starting and stopping probably did not use the right bypass module either or did not flash it properly. i've been doing this for 15 years and have seen just about everything. if you have anymore problems hit me up i'll let you know if your installer is full of it.

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  • 3 months later...

the 991 could have had settings not set right. it has a built in autostart for temperature settings. if they had that on it will start if truck is to hot or to cold. and the domelight chirp can be shut off on the alarm settings and it will still work fine.


i didnt realize how old this was . whoops

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