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The One Man Financial Bailout


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Found this little article and found it rather amusing:


Trying for a $15 Trillion Tax Refund


Between Wall Street bailouts, auto bailouts and all the stimulus programs, Uncle Sam sure seems to be doling out the dollars these days.


But $15 trillion for one guy? That's what Marlon Moore tried to get by filing a series of false tax returns under different aliases to the tune of $5.959 trillion, $2.975 trillion, and $6 trillion. And just for good measure, he filed one under his own name for $10 million.


The problem, among many others, is that the U.S. government only took in some $2 trillion in 2008. This fall, Moore was convicted of trying to bilk Uncle Sam and sentenced in Miami to two years in prison.


I guess it was worth a shot consider the US would rather help other countries than try to save it's own with it's $100B donation. :banghead:

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