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Yank and Goodmark GP in DANGER...


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To anybody who may not be aware...


There is a GROUP PURCHASE throught TByrne on any Yank torque converter or Goodmark cowl, ram-air, etc hoods. The savings are an exceptional deal, but we are sorely in need of many more hood orders and 5 more Yank orders by the tomorrow Tuesday deadline! :eek: Anybody who may be on the fence, please give it some hard consderation...this GP took some concerted requests and more than a few threads to put together for us. I myself have a torque converter on order and am hoping to realize the GP savings that we have been offered. I fully understand that GP's are not a sure thing, but I'll feel a whole lot better about not getting the orders needed if I know it was just a case of empty piggy banks and not members who simply weren't aware of the special savings! See the link for details:




Thanks for listening! :cheers:




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I only hope all the people that said they would buy, are buying. Tom did what a lot of you wanted and did put some work into it. It'd be ashamed to miss out on a price like this. Might hurt the chance for any future GPs.

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i am definatly dissapointed so far... many members wanted these hoods... i dont know about the convertors... i wasnt paying much attention because i wanted the hood only... but i sent in my payment for the hood... i hope alot more people jump in overnight... i really hope it goes through... if not i guess ill just have to come up with the extra few bucks.

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Go to the link on my original post to see the GP prices. An example that I'm aware of is the Yank TT3000 which I hope to get. It is $75.00 dollars off the regular price PLUS free shipping to your door if purchased through the GP. Not sure how much the regular shipping charge is but all together should be close to $100.00 bucks off the regular price...ask Tom or call them for the exact savings/details. Thanks for your interest!


(And thanks for the assist, Ben!) :thumbs:

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I polled alot of people and everyone was saying that they wanted the hood and yank GP's. I was the first to purchase both and have been chomping at the bit since. Today is the last day and the following is an update on the number of orders:


Hood - 2

Yank - 7

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Well...The Yank folks made it. :D Unfortunately, the hood guys are out of luck. Looks like there were only 2 of the 15 orders required. :shakehead: I feel for those folks...and I'm very surprised at the outcome. :sigh:


Thanks to everyone who helped spread the message about the GP the last few days. At least for some of us, I'm sure it made the difference! :thumbs:

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