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Who Do You Guys Think.

sierra ss

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Is the most overrated bands in music? I will start it off with a few of my choices.


1. U2 (sucks monkey balls, and everyone thinks Bono is going to save the world)

2. Kiss ( they have some good songs but come on)

3. Aerosmith ( used to love them but recent events have made me hate them )

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Found one site that had the top 10 listed and couldnt beleive some of the ones they had on there. Metallica, ACDC just to name two.

You have the link to the site? I wonder if the people declaring those bands are pu$$y b!tch jonas brother loving pansy asses. Those bands are classic and have serious talent and it's not like you hear about them constantly on tv or being promoted on the radio every 5 seconds for stupid bs.

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You have the link to the site? I wonder if the people declaring those bands are pu$$y b!tch jonas brother loving pansy asses. Those bands are classic and have serious talent and it's not like you hear about them constantly on tv or being promoted on the radio every 5 seconds for stupid bs.



I will see if i can find it again and post it.



Here ya go.



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Sorry I have to disagree on a couple mentioned here - The Beatles, Metallica, and AC/DC are anything but overrated; the reason I say that is because when each of these bands hit the air the entire landscape of music & pop culture totally changed. I am not saying you have to like these bands or their music, just that they are definitely NOT overrated, once they came out nothing was ever the same.


Now U2 - there's a totally overrated act IMO. :lol: Looking back I think even MC Hammer will have had more significant lasting impact on the music world than Bono...


Mr. P. :)

Edited by Mr. P. (see edit history)
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:confused: What? no Pink Floyd haters here?


The only song of theres i think is worth a spit is Wish you were here



OK, I'll possibly add a bit of controversy... Led Zeppelin. I've never understood why they're rated one of the best bands of all time. :nonod:


Same here.

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The main one in my book is The Rolling Stones

i agree. only a couple of there songs i like. when was the last time they had a new release hit that was not a remake of one 40 yrs. ago.. :dunno:


Beatles..never cared much when they came out. only good albums.. the White album :thumbs: and Abby Road :thumbs::thumbs: everything after is :puke:



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