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Where To Look For A Job?


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I spent just about 7 hours calling about ever 10 minutes to try and get through to the department of labor here in Connecticut to start collecting unemployment :(


I walked in to work on tuesday and before i was able to clock in, I was told that i was being let go along with a few others. Was not expecting that at all, numbers weren't too far off from last year and we had done a lot of cut backs and improvements to help us stay afloat. I've worked at this bike (bicycle) shop for over 5 years now, since i was 15 years old. I was one of the top mechanics and sales people their. Worked on just about everything their was to work on in that shop, cheap department store bikes to bikes that cost as much as our trucks. I've custom tuned suspension, pretty much can tear down any shock or fork and rebuild it, along with pretty much Fox suspension product... I'm pretty mechanicaly inclined when it comes to cars to. I've done motor swaps, clutches, differential work, etc... just not a certified auto mechanic.


I currently go to class at night trying to get real estate license, I have only ten more classes to go until I can take my test and hopefully get my license. Then after that i have home inspector classes lined up. My father has been a home inspector in the area for about 15 years now and self employed and mother is real estate broker that is also self employed. Money is definitely hurting for them in this economy, but things are starting to look up so far 2010.... Hopefully i can hold out and get my licenses and their business will pick up and can go work for either one of them.


Any suggestions toward anything i should look into? so far i've been turning up empty in my short period of searching... Gotta come with some extra money so i can try to hold onto the truck and make the payments :chevy:


Btw, I can thank obama for one thing, the extra $25 in stimulus for unemployment :cheers:



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you're still young, you've got plenty of time to figure it out. you're on the right track with school, stick with it and don't back down.




when i played baseball in high school, it was common for someone to get upset when they would strike out, which would usually end up with throwing the bat or helmet or both, and all our coach would say is "its not the bat/helmet's fault."


just something to think about


do i agree with some policies...no


do i feel like people should have voted for different reasons...yes


but the world today is what it is, do what you gotta do for yourself and family, and no one else.

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craigslist my friend my wife couldnt find a job so a few members here suggested craigslist and bam like 2 day later she was working


it may not be what you want but it is income



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You were laid off because you are studying for a Real Estate License, as far as your employer was concerned, you were gone anyway. They'll get another 15 year old kid to replace you...


Good luck with your new career!


Yeah thats my guess, but the four other people that got let go had nothing else going on :confused:


Anyhow, we have a new advanced auto parts store that just opened up a couple months ago, I'm gonna give them a shout and hope for the best

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well I've been out of work since Sept. so i know what the job market is not doing around here..there is a bunch of on line job searches engines you can try. local on line papers will carry it also. here in CA. the employment resources board web site has a job listings for the hole state by county. check CT and see if they have the same kind of listing.

it took over 6 weeks before i got my first ck. from the state, the WE HAVE NO MONEY reason was given for the late payment.. :icon_bs: just keep good thoughts and cut back on everything you can.

BTW.. here where i live, the city of BARSTOW has 24,000 people in it as of Dec.31 22% were unemployed, and the government contractors are going to lay off more here real soon..so I'm not expecting anything soon.


good luck



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Join the club, been out of work since April. I work in the motorcycle industry and boy have we been hit hard with the economy. I may have to start working on JetSki's here soon since I live near the beach now. UGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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^^^ Got layed off from a 4 line (all Jap) motorcycle dealer myself as well, due to the economy supposidely only to go back in a few weeks later to see they hired an older guy to be the new manager...


Lots of shady stuff going on these days. Good luck finding a job, its been hard here. Check craigslist like Justin said.

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I feel your pain too... I got laid off 10 days before Christmas. I havent found a job yet. Up here in NY things are very bad. I'm 44 years old and been doing the same thing for 26 years. No work. But..... my girlfriend is there for me. :thumbs:

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You were laid off because you are studying for a Real Estate License, as far as your employer was concerned, you were gone anyway. They'll get another 15 year old kid to replace you...


Good luck with your new career!


very good point.

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companies are doing some shady stuff for sure. it does make sense but they will fire the guy making the most money to replace them with a lower paid person that is out of work looking for anything and dtaking a pay cut just to get some kind of income. my work is starting to lay people off now that 2010 is here. i hope im not choosen but that is what unemployment is for.

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move to Texas, it seems like there are laot of jobs there



well we have our share of unemployment trust me, unless you have 5 years experience in the oil field or have a dream of washing dishes at Texas roadhouse your just as bad off here.

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