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Bad Time


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hey guys as most of you know i had to have some bone removed in my foot on the 12th of nov. just got off the crutches and got back into a real shoe two weeks ago had a pin and 2 screws put in also to keep it straight.


well i think its apart of my clumbsyness and my 2 dogs. i was getting out of the shower and when i opened the door my dogs jumped on the door wich made it swing open and hit my toe. not only did it hit my toe that i had bone removed from it rolled over it. it instantly turned black & blue i though it was broke again cause it felt like it i immediatly went to my knees and cried like a little kid :cry: so i will be on crutches for another 2 weeks


so i called Lara she got off work and drove me to the ER. well they rushed me to x-ray and gave me some pain pills to kill the edge. I am on high blood pressure pills and had taken one about a hr before this well my BP was 150/88 so they upped my med to 40mg there.


sorry to rant on but long story short it was broke just very bruised and inflamed and it hurts worse than it did after surgery. they told me to take off for a few days but i went to work i have to be there to take care of my soldiers and i refused to just leave them hanging.




again sry to rant just figured some of you would get a kick out my misshap lol


take care and beware of doors and dogs lol






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:nopity: and its not nice to blame the dogs on your drunken stupor either :jester:



















Good luck gettin better tho....and did you ever pimp out the crutches?


hell no i never messed with them i couldnt really do much having to use them and then i got off then and said F it lol

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I know that pain all too well, I crushed my foot 10-years ago, the bone erupted through my toe and damaged the nerve bundle in my foot, it was 'uncomfortable' for 2-years. Not being able to sleep for more than a couple hours at a time was the hardest part. When I got my cast off at 11-months I rebroke my foot (like you) after only a couple weeks; you gotta be super careful for a couple years, the bone was much more fragile than I expected, all I did was stoop down to pick up a server and *pop* my big toe re-broke, I hadn't even attempted the lift yet. Are you megadosing on vitamins and minerals? I drank a ton of skim milk for those several years, it's basically white colored water with lots of minerals and calcium...


Mr. P. :)

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I know that pain all too well, I crushed my foot 10-years ago, the bone erupted through my toe and damaged the nerve bundle in my foot, it was 'uncomfortable' for 2-years. Not being able to sleep for more than a couple hours at a time was the hardest part. When I got my cast off at 11-months I rebroke my foot (like you) after only a couple weeks; you gotta be super careful for a couple years, the bone was much more fragile than I expected, all I did was stoop down to pick up a server and *pop* my big toe re-broke, I hadn't even attempted the lift yet. Are you megadosing on vitamins and minerals? I drank a ton of skim milk for those several years, it's basically white colored water with lots of minerals and calcium...


Mr. P. :)



not yet Steve i plan on getting some vitamins to help me along i hate milk it makes me sick so i will get some calcium pills too

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hang in their bud. I hear you on BP, I believe mine was around 170/90 when I was hit by the car on xmas eve (4 days after when I went to the ER).

Otherwise than your mishap, did you have a chance to tell wether or not your were comfortable after the surgery? My mom needs the same thing done. PM if you want,


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