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My Car Got Broken Into


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Well Alan was leaving for work and called me and told me to come downstairs and my window was smashed:( All they stole was my XM radio thingy but still they ripped out my dash and broke my window for that??? My ipod which was in my cup holder and my $600 system was not touched wtf.. I guess i should be happy thats all they took but still pisses me off that they are costing me money so they can have my $50 XM radio!

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the only think that makes this a little better is the fact the melissa rented a car and left her car locked in her works yard until the glass can be replaced tomorrow. So instead of the crim getting even more satisfaction about his/her wrong doing, the next time he/she sees the vehicle, it will have brand new glass like it ever happened. :idiot:


oh and the idiot should know that ever sat. radio receiver has it's own activation code. melissa called and canceled her service, but im not sure if xm will be smart enough, or care enough to if they call and try to activate it again.

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Sorry to hear that. Some guy try to break into my wifes car while she was in it with my daughters last week but when he saw her in it the POS ran off :mad: . Im just glad it stop there and not a step further. I guess ppl are willing to do anything to get there hands on what little money they can get at times like this.

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I had some punks break into my beater truck I had parked behind my utility shed for a few months last year. They took a CD player out of it that was over 10 yrs old and didn't work but left the subs and amp in it. They broke out my center slider glass to get in to the truck, so what I did when I got a new CD player installed in it was put a razorblade taped to the inside track of the center window, screwed 12- 3" Decking screws to a piece of 3/4" lumber and placed that in the bed under some leaves with the screws facing up. Then I buried another piece of wood with screws in the ground next to the drivers door. Yeah this might have been a little mean but If you steal from me once you won't steal from me again.


BTW about a week after I did all this, I caught a kid trying to break in to my truck but he knelt down on the screw board and started screaming.......... He was the one who stole my other CD player too...... Got it back.



BTW Sorry to hear about the break in. Atleast they didn't steal your car though. I hate thieves.

Edited by sinr98 (see edit history)
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they didn't take it from the truck, they took it from her sentra.


Sorry to hear Mel. :nonod:




Unless I am at the FD or Home, where ever else I park, I take my XM off its dock and either take it with me or hide it in my Tahoe. :ninja:


she took it down, but i guess the mount on the dash gave it away that there may have been something worth while in there. may have been mistaken for a nav.

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Sorry to hear about that Mel. Thieves fukn suck :M16:


My truck got broken into a while back and they took my indash. The messed up the key cylinder in the door, the handle, the area right around the handle and couldn't get it so they pryed out my pass window. To top it off, they tried with a flathead to turn the ignition, and fukt that all up too.

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