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Does Anyone Have Any Advice


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I started off fixing a problem with my windshield wipers and washer fluid that i have neglected for quit some time now. My winshield wipers on my 03 SS only have the high speed setting and none of the delay settings and the wiper fliud switch was not pumping fluid and wipers were not turnig on. I started out replacing the switch on the steering column because that was my most obvious choice that was not the problem, i then proceeded to change the wiper fluid pump and the wiper moter neither of those fixed the problem either so now i am 250$ bucks in the hole and back to square one with only one wiper setting and a non functional wiper fluid Pump. So i Guess if any of you out there that have had a similar problem or have an idea id be grateful for any advice you could spare :confused::confused::confused:




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I had a problem. I would go through a jug of fluid in a week n 1/2. Could not find a leak anywere. Then finally found a small hole in the line. Can you hear the pump come on?


I tested the pump and its not recieving any power at all. I thought it was a hole in the line to so i tested the lines for holes before i thought of checking the power to the pump but thanks for the thought I appriciate it.

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Have you checked the fuses? :huh:



Yep sure did checked all fuses with voltage tester. i thought maybe wiper systems are set up like blower moters for your heat and air they have a Votage resister to controll levels of fan speed, maybe the same type setup is used for Variable wiper speeds but so far none of the part stores can tell me if thats the case


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Have you traced all your wir ing? Could have a problem with a nick or something in one of them. :dunno:


Nope have not traced it yet kinda was saveing that for the last resort seeing as that could make for a big headache that or a garbage full of beer cans if ya know what i meen haha. Im sure thats what its going to come to though Thanks

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