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Omg It Gets Better


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Ok guys/gals notto keep going on with this bad luck streak I have been on cause the poop has really hit the fan hard. As most of you know I had foot surgery in Nov 2009. I made a full recovery ect ect. So I go in just for a check up on my foot get x-rays the whole 9 yards. My doc ask how it feels, told him it was sore but nothing bad, he then informs me that the surgery has taken and I have broke bones in my foot. so next thursday 18 MAR 2010 I am going to have to have a recostructive foot surgery to fix all the issues. i was told it was from jumping out of planes in my early Army start as a ranger. road marches, rapelling ect... all the fun stuff. so word to the wise all you young pups wanting to jump rapell dont cause it will catch you and ruin your health.


It has just became funny to me now all this crap happening but i guess it hapens for a reason.


sry to rant guy everyone just irritated thank for letting complain i am done now.



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i was told it was from jumping out of planes in my early Army start as a ranger. road marches, rapelling ect... all the fun stuff. so word to the wise all you young pups wanting to jump rapell dont cause it will catch you and ruin your health.



how do you think us OLD grunts feel.. :sigh: PT in gov. issued combat boots, no tennises for us. :D

well like they say, you pay to play. i know, my body is :sick: from all the bang ups, blow ups, and shoot ups. but never regretted it one bit :flag:


stay tough, things will get better.. :thumbs:


good luck

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how do you think us OLD grunts feel.. :sigh: PT in gov. issued combat boots, no tennises for us. :D

well like they say, you pay to play. i know, my body is :sick: from all the bang ups, blow ups, and shoot ups. but never regretted it one bit :flag:


stay tough, things will get better.. :thumbs:


good luck


i totally understand ya brother. I am so banged up 3 deplyments and so many dogon training exercises my body is beat, being a Ranger is the best accoplishment of my life with my Army career but I am with you it sure is something I will never regret I enjoyed every min of it

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Keep your head up man. I had a bad year last year. Bad luck jumped on my back in June and I finally got that monkey off my back a couple months ago, I hope. It seemed like one thing after another but so far this year has been good.

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And just to think I was upset when they didn't offer me a spot in jump school.


I hate to hear that about your foot and I hope that you bounce back quickly. I felt that I had aged several years for my deplyoment in Iraq. I can't even imagine what it would feel like to do several. My hat goes off to everyone that went back multiple times.

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