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Ss Emblem On The Seats

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I started doing this yesterday with testors brand silver paint. I tried using both small paint brushes as well as q-tips and the q-tips proved way easier to use. I bought the smallest bottle they sell and dumped small amounts of paint into the cap and just dipped the q-tip in that. It's super easy and requires no artistic skill, just a steady hand. If you soak the qtip you can just set it near the edge of the embroidery and push down. The threads will absorb the paint and cover everything in the area! No need to mask off the letters or anything, it's super easy. I let it dry and decided I need a second coat, I just hope it's as easy as the first. I'll put up pictures once I put them back in the truck, prob 2 days. I hope this helps some of you that are scared to get paint on your leather!


Good to hear. Yeah its an easy mod with awesome results. Figured a Q-tip would be tough to get in the outline and look messy but I guess thats not the case.

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I started doing this yesterday with testors brand silver paint. I tried using both small paint brushes as well as q-tips and the q-tips proved way easier to use. I bought the smallest bottle they sell and dumped small amounts of paint into the cap and just dipped the q-tip in that. It's super easy and requires no artistic skill, just a steady hand. If you soak the qtip you can just set it near the edge of the embroidery and push down. The threads will absorb the paint and cover everything in the area! No need to mask off the letters or anything, it's super easy. I let it dry and decided I need a second coat, I just hope it's as easy as the first. I'll put up pictures once I put them back in the truck, prob 2 days. I hope this helps some of you that are scared to get paint on your leather!
nice glad the q-tip worked for you too :cheers: yeah im thinking of a second coat but afraid it might look sloppy :confused:
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nice glad the q-tip worked for you too :cheers: yeah im thinking of a second coat but afraid it might look sloppy :confused:


I just finished my second coat so here is my recommendation: only try to paint toward the middle of the stitching. If you get too close to the edge on round 2 the paint WILL run onto the leather. Luckily if that happens you can use a wet q-tip to push the paint in towards the embroidery. It will leave a faint mark that can be wiped up with a paper towel. Just make sure it's wet or else it will just smear. Good luck!

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It was my thread and all of you guys are beating me to doing this mod, hahha lol. All well I hope to do mine this weekend. Ive had the truck down this week getting it lowered which is now done. Im still not sure if I wanna do silver like the res of you or go with a blue to match the truck. Im gonna go to a local hobby store and see what they got cuz I know theyll have more than wal-mart will.

Edited by firehawknwv (see edit history)
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yah walmart doesnt have shit, when u get ur paint get a little bottle of paint solvent too and a fine point paint eraser, u just dipped the paint eraser in the solvent and went around my edges so they were perfect fine lines, worked out very nicely! it was a nightmare at first cuz i was worried i wouldnt find anything that wouldnt ruin the leather but the paint solvent and the eraser worked perfect!

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Hey here is some really good information for anyone that messes up (like I did): Nail polish remover will take off paint anywhere its not supposed to be, even after it dries! Just scrub it with a cotton ball or q-tip then wipe away with a damp cloth. I used the remover with no acetone. Anyways final pictures of mine will be up as soon as my computer decides to cooperate.

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