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Re:close Call


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I really dont give a sh*t how long youve been a "respected" member on here, you lost your credability when you bragged about getting away with endangering the your own life, your friends lives and the lives of everyone on the roadway around you period! This especailly pisses me off because I lost my grandfather because of an **** like you, Anyone who has lost a family member because of someone elses irresponsability would more then likely feel as strongly as I do. Were you get the oddasity to brag about drinking and driving and then call me stupid is very irronic. You dont deserve a drivers license or a SS! I needed to get thta off my chest regardless if I get warned or kicked off the site for speaking my peace

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Dude, you could speak your peace or pm me. Don't turn this into a soap opera more than it is. And sorry if you took it as bragging. Sure didn't sound that way to me and not what I was trying to do.


As for your grandfather, sorry. But the way you are taking this situation is not the right way man. You got a problem with me, it's called a "private message"

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Really dude, the first thread got locked you couldn't take that as a hint??? Let it go he knows he did something wrong yeah he got lucky, we ALL have at somepoint in our lives. Should he have shared this story?? probably not cause it is not the best example of a "close call" but it is too late. Just let go before you get put on time out by one of the mods!!!!! :nono:

Edited by rojo_143 (see edit history)
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Im not gonna pm what I gotta say when you talk sh*t about me on a public forum, Im gonna say my peace where everyone can see it, just as you did.


Dude, you could speak your peace or pm me. Don't turn this into a soap opera more than it is. And sorry if you took it as bragging. Sure didn't sound that way to me and not what I was trying to do.


As for your grandfather, sorry. But the way you are taking this situation is not the right way man. You got a problem with me, it's called a "private message"

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Im not gonna pm what I gotta say when you talk sh*t about me on a public forum, Im gonna say my peace where everyone can see it, just as you did.

I think you made your point. since you are an "expert" on drunk driving, You already know that getting smashed impairs the abilty to make good decisions, like calling a cab, or someone else to pick you up instead of driving. He may have thought he was good to drive, but that obviously was not the case. Could someone have died? Absolutely. Have you made bad judgment calls? Probably. Is Justin a douchebag? Most definitely :jester:. Sorry about your grandfather. And if you decide to continue YOUR poor judgement in this thread and keep running off at the mouth, enjoy your time off of the site. Were you looking for my opinion on this matter? No, and nobody was looking for yours either. :pepsicheer:

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Agreed..lets move on...I said what I had to say and honestly I was more pissed at the cop and think she should be stripped of her badge more than I am him...We put him in the corner with his nose to the wall...Its over..and I to have lost people to drunk driving so I do understand your frustration.

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wow a lot of sh*t talking in here! if saying my opion after losing a family member makes me a douchebag, then what does it make a drunk driver? a hero? as long as anyones talking down to me, Im gonna have something to say, so suspend me, kick me off I really dont care, but take your shit I will not, so Jump and Spin! :fingersx:

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wow a lot of sh*t talking in here! if saying my opion after losing a family member makes me a douchebag, then what does it make a drunk driver? a hero? as long as anyones talking down to me, Im gonna have something to say, so suspend me, kick me off I really dont care, but take your shit I will not, so Jump and Spin! :fingersx:



not shit talking here, you must have been close to your grandfather to be this upset. Have you spoken to someone about your feelings?

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no man, I was done but then a couple other people had to talk some trash, would u let anyone talk down to u and just take it without saying something?? :confused:


man your taking this to far we know your upset about the topic , you dont need to drag it on
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