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Leaving Sss.com For Good.


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Nice knowin ya Shaun :flag: lol

probably so, but thats like going into a business and having an employee ridicule you in front of family. where im from thats grounds for having a teeth sandwich. Something needs to be done. Everyone on here knows how im never serious; now im just pissed.

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...hold on I am gonna have my wife login and be an internet thug...


Thats all you have??? I'm an interenet thug for speaking my opinion, backing up a friend and pointing out the fact that you are out of control??? Seriously...ugh. Grow up!

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Nice mod posting. What it all boils down to is that you can frequent the site or NOT. You can put up with the shit or NOT. You can voice your opinions or NOT (on this site). You can pay your supporting member dues or NOT. I'm done with that part. Not gonna pay to support a site that stiffles the right to speak freely. I know, it's not my house, and i agree, you have to live by the house rules. But you don't have to give money to it if you don't live there and you can always leave. I don't want to leave, but i sure as hell won't support it with money. We all have choices...guess it's time for many of us to make a few about this site.


See ya Shaun....if you get your truck repainted blue maybe you can come back as KCsmurfSS.

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How can all the other Moderators not speak with Detjoe and tell him that he is acting like an ass. To keep members around you should treat people with respect, especially if you are a Moderator. Just like it is in the Military...higher ups should not act like that nor talk like that around the lower enlisted. Just not professional. I dont know Sh*t about doing maintenance on my truck hence why I check this site probably 10 times a day. I dont even want to post half the time because I dont want to like look like a tool and have someone over the internet talk some shi* about it. Oh well got my .2 in.

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Just had a nice talk with Josh, lets let this thread die down here, I'll try to keep my temper to a minimum. Josh said that they are listening to whats going on and they have some things in the works. He will be posting up here sometime today. *cough* shoutbox *ahem* and some other things. he just wants us to be happy :)


thanks josh :cheers:

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Just had a nice talk with Josh, lets let this thread die down here, I'll try to keep my temper to a minimum. Josh said that they are listening to whats going on and they have some things in the works. He will be posting up here sometime today. *cough* shoutbox *ahem* and some other things. he just wants us to be happy :)


thanks josh :cheers:



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  • Admin

Hey guys,


I am hearing your side of things and I am listening. Lets cool down and stop with bashing each other.


I am writing this to let you know a few things that I am working on TODAY to let you know that me, and the moderating crew as a whole, respect your opinion and want to make this site the best it can be.


1. I am looking for a TOTM mod. I have only received 2 applications. I hope that there are a few more people that would be willing to step up and help the site out. It's really easy to complain and its much harder to actually contribute to the solution.




2. I have re-opened Shoutbox. When I shut it down, it was my intention to re-open it after we upgrade to the new forum software, but since that hasn't happened yet I feel it is only fair to open the shoutbox again. The reasons for this was that the new shoutbox software is different in that its more like a chatroom so you can't see previous conversations that occured before you entered the chat. Now that the shoutbox is open, all i ask is that you respect the other people that are in it at the time, and be aware that if something is offensive to you, you do not need to be in the shoutbox.




3. I am kicking the upgrade of the forum software into overdrive. This will bring a long other changes such as a new skin, and a couple new addons that you guys should like.


4. I am willing to discuss allowing a place for politics, religion etc. We have not allowed this because we felt it was the best option for our community on the whole. It was never meant to prohibit your free speech, which is something I strongly believe in. If you guys believe that this is such a detractor to the site that your willing to leave, then I am willing to be more lenient provided we are all adults and can handle it.


Please keep a lookout for some more posts from me as the day continues on, and please feel free to send me a PM with any concerns, comments, critisms, questions, or any ideas you have to make the site not only better, but the best.


All in all, we are listening, and despite what you may think it is only my intention to make this the most kick ass site it can be.

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