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For You Guys Trying To Be Brick Chithouses


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jack3d is a good powder and if you like pills i have heard good things about gakic but u have to take like 6 pills at a time or some god awful amount, and protein i would go with synta-6 bc it is delicious and muscle milk has more protien in it. But if you want to see how badass jack3d is go to bodybuilding.com and see top sellers and it is up there in the top

Edited by catdaddy300 (see edit history)
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ok all you muscle heads. what can i take to burn fat and not got to the gym. i need a metabolism boost. lol i have a decent build just need to lose the beer gut


Stop drinking beer :jester:


Nah. Eating 5 meals a day but in small portions would give you a boost. Green Tea and caffeine is definatly a fat burner. Eating right and taking in quality calories is the key, but taking its too much quality calories defeats the purpose.

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yea i was skinny as hell but now i'm a good size! i'm wanting to be about 145-155 before i leave this place! Oh i'm not in the service anymore either, i'm a contractor but i work for the army! general dynamics (STRYKERS)

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Cytosport Fast twitch is pretty good. I saw some good gains with Creakic. Just hate the price.


Cytosport is a very good brand. I used their CytoGainer during my training and loved it. Gave me quality calories to build from. They dont offer an isolate protein as apposed to a concentrate but still a decent quality whey.

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dude do you want to put on like a lot of mass or lean muscle bc that new iso mass stuff will give the weight and mass needed to get big now i would never take it bc i already am 200 lbs but i knew a guy that took it and he had a descent work out schedule and he gained like 10 in like 3 weeks. another thing about it that i dont like is the ingredients bc i am big already but it might suit u better.... but defiantly ready the ingredients, lol

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75-80% of building is your diet. It doesn't matter if your 112 and taking the best protein in the world if you're burning off more calories than your taking in. Sure you'd get tone from working out, but you wouldn't really gain much mass. If you're trying to lose weight, you're gonna wanna burn off more calories than you take in. For gaining mass, you want to lift heavy with lower reps. If you wanna tone down, its the opposite.


As for supplements, understand that pre and post workout stuff that contain nitric oxide and or creatine causes your body to retain water. So if you're supposedly gaining 10 pounds in a week, it's probably mostly water weight. Don't believe me? Don't take the supplements for a week and i guarantee you'll lose what you gained as fast if not sooner. I've tried SuperPump250, NOxplode, and jack3d and they all work good at first.. I got the best pumps from SP250 but i get immune to it quick. NOxplode just made me feel really hyper and cracked out haha. Jacked comes in way smaller servings but works just as good. I didn't get as good pumps from it though... Be advised that most pre workout stuff make you retain water and can cause diarrhea if your body isnt used to it haha.


There are ton's of different kinds of proteins. Whey and cassien being the best known. They both serve different purposes with whey being a fast protein (quickly metabolized) the anabolic and cassien (slow) classified as anti-catabolic and is used to slow down the protein break down. Weight gainers pretty much just have a crap load of calories. Like i said, if you wanna gain, you gotta take in more calories.


I could go on and on but... I wont haha

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I got the best pumps from SP250 but i get immune to it quick. NOxplode just made me feel really hyper and cracked out haha.

There are ton's of different kinds of proteins. Whey and cassien being the best known. They both serve different purposes with whey being a fast protein (quickly metabolized) the anabolic and cassien (slow) classified as anti-catabolic and is used to slow down the protein break down.


Arginine and Caffeine is all that is. Very easy to get ur hands on in bulk rather than pay for the flashy container.


Ur normal GNC brand whey is a concentrate. Which means it hasnt gone through the complete breakdown process. Its OK but if your serious about what your doing youll use Isolates. Optimum Nutrion had the best in my opinion, youll pay for it though. Ur Isolate proteins are what you want. Very quick digesting and gets to ur muscles now to start the rebuild process. Cassien is mainly takin before you go to sleep at night as it is slow to digest. During the night, your body searches for something to use for the breakdown process. If there isnt anything in your stomach to break down, it turns to your muscles for it. No bueno. Taking in cassein protein right before you call it a night your body digests that throughout the night rather than going to your muscles. In the morning I took in my share of Isolate protein, pre, during, and post workout, then cassein before bed. Along with all my other 5 meals throughout the day.

Edited by 2BFAST (see edit history)
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yeah i never really liked N.O. Explode either so i started using Animal Pump and have been hooked ever since plus it is in pill form so you don't have to chole down some pre-workout drink!!! Super Pump is sweet too!!!!

Yeah but you have to choke down like 11 pills! :D

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who would have thought we had so many gym rats on here! good to know we have some veterans when it come to supplements and info. any body try controled labs products? i just started some today so no real data yet.

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