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Late Updates (done In Summer Of 2009)


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So, aside from shaving the gate and roll pan, I've been getting loads of questions and picture requests regarding my exhaust tips setup mentioned in my sig... I actually got everything finished last summer, but I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to share em just yet. Don't take it the wrong way, I just wasn't completely happy with the way some things turned out and even stopped driving the truck for a while because I was so frustrated with the outcome haha. Plus no good camera = no good pictures... But recently I figured, what the hell, I do have an iPhone that takes pretty crappy ones and i guess some of you have been waiting long enough haha... So here is a sneak peak of things to come summer of 2010!








I wanna give vdrumright credit for being the first to attempt this set up as he was the one who made me realize that just maybe i could pull off such a feat haha.

Now let me tell you... Even if you design something yourself and have someone else execute and fabricate it... It is still VERY expensive haha. Lets just say my tips cost a little over a grand after all was said and done. Now keep in mind, these were hand made, not CNC like I had originally planned.. As you can kinda see, I decided to have the tips come out just a bit because I wanted them to "stand out" instead of flush. But my original exhaust guy had a really hard time trying to get the tips to line up right because the body shop guys didn't exactly make the cutouts of the roll pan perfect... And I'm a perfectionist so you can imagine my disappointment after years of planning and designing something that was supposed to work haha. This actually put me in a slump for a couple months where I didn't even wanna look at the truck, let alone drive it... To the average person the setup may look fine, but like I said, I'm a perfectionist. So come summer time, I'm gonna tackle this project again and perfect it myself, along with a couple friends.

Oh and another sneak peak for this summer:



Daym I never knew how big these things were!



I'll keep you guys updated this time :D

Edited by haul@ss (see edit history)
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That is something I have been wanting to see ever since owning my truck. Thank you for sharing, and also congrats (I know your not 100% happy but still great job). Cant wait to see the finished product (this should have been factory imo).

I am very jealous of your truck :chevy:

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Gotta say, i love that look as well. There is a shortcab clone running around here that has that same look. Always wanted to find out how he did his. Maybe someday if i can catch him. Not sure i'd be ready to drop a grand for the look, but can't wait to hear more of your thoughts on all of this. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks guys


no definitely isn't a street scene. Those are made for the regular silvy n sierra and won't match up with the ss cladding.


I have some obligations so I will surely take newer, hopefully more professional quality pix soon. Thanks again!

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