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Can You Run Straight Meth...?

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I am still getting alot of kr in my truck. I can stomp on the throttle and I immediatly get 4 to 7* of kr and if I back out and then put my foot back into it sometimes it will only go up 1 to 3* of kr. I have tried alot of diffrent tuning and I still have the kr. So what I am wondering. Is I have pretty much an unlimited supply of pure methenol at my disposal. I am in the process of putting in my air to air and then I am going to run meth injection on the truck. I am still waiting on the welder to finish up some stuff(brackets for the a2a). So could I put 5 gals of meth into my fuel tank to see if I am getting real kr or false? I am just worried about what running straight meth could do to the motor? I would think it would do nothing concidering it is just a higher octane fuel, right?

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It would be my guess that you are trying to cure a problem the wrong way. If you are getting KR, then something is wrong. I do know that Zippy is one of the better tuners around here. I would suggest that you work closely with him on how to work this out. It could help to add some Meth as a trouble shooting tool to see if the KR is true or false. It could also be helpful to know more about the weather conditions as you are logging.. A tune that works well in 100 degrees might not be the best in the AK temps. Zippy has been through the temp swings coming from MI, he knows how to handle these issues.


I hope this gives you some food for thought, wish I knew more about tuning so I could throw more real help to you. Maybe Krambo can weigh in with some thoughts.


Good luck on fixing the issue.



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