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Car/Truck Laptop Mount


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No, I don't want to drive while cruising the net, but I do want to be able to log runs and tune (while stopped) without having to worry about breaking off the power/serial/usb connectors on the seat, or dumping the laptop on the deck if I have to come to a sudden halt.


Ideally, I'd like a vertical bar that comes up from the floor right in between the passenger seat and the console, toward the front left corner of the passenger seat. On top of the bar would be a stable mounting bracket, that would swivel.


Hopefully I could remove the whole assembly from the floor mount when it was not in use so there wouldn't be a pole there all the time.


Any ideas where to go to find something like this?

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Check out whoever sets up your local police dept cars. They put laptops in those. They could probably be of help. I have seen them mounted in police package tahoes. Galls.com sells some police supplies too although I dont know if they sell those.

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I got a nylon web strap with a buckle from the sporting goods store (like you use for backpacking) for about a buck. Loop it around the bottom of the passenger seat and up through the crack in the back and over the top of the laptop keyboard (hopefully in an area where there are no buttons you need :D ).

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