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Dad Passed Away


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Thanks for the support guys. Mom and I went back to work today. Kevin goes back tomorrow. It's going to be rough for awhile...we have to sell the house. I don't know if any of you are familiar with Frontier Housing, but they said I should be approved for a new home. So, in a few months, I may be a first time home buyer. Kinda excited about that...but trying not to get my hopes up. And the poor truck will never get done. I'm getting some brake pads and rotors for it and some other maintenance things for it, like plugs and wires. Then it will be on hold for a long while. And Kevin...who just got home in March from deployment...signed up for a volunteer-year long deployment to Afghanistan. They're hand picking who goes, because there is only about 40 slots and 150+ people signed up. I know he feels like he needs to go...but I hope he doesn't get picked.

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Sorry to hear about your loss. It's one of those days you know will happen in the future and when it gets there it is still just as hard if it were unexpected. Good to hear you had a father to hold your head high about. Sounds like he was a great man.

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I'm sorry to hear of the news, you and your family have my condolences. I know what its like to lose a parent. Take care and good luck with the house hunt. When I was house shopping last year, I found it fun looking at houses and check out things, now the fun is the projects I enjoy doing around the house to make it mine.

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Kim, I am sorry for your loss. I, too, recently lost my dad and it was a horrible, yet cleansing experience. In that your dad is now in a better place. Talking about the experience is cleansing as well. He sounds like a great guy. I will pray for you and your family.



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