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please, please, please...be considerate of other people! use common sense! be aware of your surroundings! and realize YOU are NOT the only human being on the planet.


i'm on a mission to spread common courtesy world wide!


i avoid large crowds, and mainly wal-mart, but tonight set me over the edge when i got frustrated somewhere i've never been frustrated before.


if someone says "excuse me" to you...step back, evaluate the situation, and determine what you could do the next time to avoid being the person standing in the middle of the isle and in everyone's way. (there should have been no reason for me to say "excuse me" within 5 seconds to two different people who were no more than 2 feet away from each other, and the first was blocking me so i could not leave, the second person decided that once the first person moved, there was just enough room for her to just stand there with her hands on her waist.)


always think 10 seconds ahead with a constant awareness of your surroundings. (where you are going, and where other people are going as well)


together we can make the world a better place...where its not the other persons fault, but what you could have done to avoid making it the other persons fault. (because it is always the other persons fault...trust me)


join the revolution...viva consideration!

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well put Alan, it seems that so many people today are so damn entitled that it seems they have thrown common courtesy out the window, i mean why should someone go out of there way to help others or do something nice???


the other day i pulled a Sam Jackson from the movie 187 coming down Town Center between Summerlin Library and Summerlin Prkwy, there is a cross walk so i stopped so the person could cross the road, well this stupid idiot behind me almost hits me and then lays on the horn @ me, i mean if they couldn't see the ass-end of a bright red fullsize truck, what would this lady have done to this poor guy trying to cross the road? I rarely get out of my truck for something along these lines because you never know who has a gun, but I had to give this broad a piece of my mind, I'm quite sure I called her a few words that would make a sailor cringe



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well put Alan, it seems that so many people today are so damn entitled that it seems they have thrown common courtesy out the window, i mean why should someone go out of there way to help others or do something nice???


the other day i pulled a Sam Jackson from the movie 187 coming down Town Center between Summerlin Library and Summerlin Prkwy, there is a cross walk so i stopped so the person could cross the road, well this stupid idiot behind me almost hits me and then lays on the horn @ me, i mean if they couldn't see the ass-end of a bright red fullsize truck, what would this lady have done to this poor guy trying to cross the road? I rarely get out of my truck for something along these lines because you never know who has a gun, but I had to give this broad a piece of my mind, I'm quite sure I called her a few words that would make a sailor cringe




there have been times I wanted to get out myself and give them an ear full. Learned my lesson many years ago not too though. Had a guy pull a gun out as I swung the door open on my truck. F.T.P... and courtesy and common sense is out the window. People are too busy to try it.

Edited by ces63ss (see edit history)
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there have been times I wanted to get out myself and give them an ear full. Learned my lesson many years ago not too though. Had a guy pull a gun out as I swung the door open on my truck. F.T.P... and courtesy and common sense is out the window. People are too busy to try it.


and i bet he is a wal-mart offender.


these are perfect examples of people we are trying to reach out to. a person that pulls a gun lacks the maturity to express their feelings in an intelligent manner, and honestly can not admit they're wrong. pulling a gun means "i know i'm wrong, but this weapon says i'm right."

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You have my vote for president!


There are three things that I hate in this world about people.

1) Disrespect or no respect period.

2) Thieves (a thief has no #1)

3) Ignorance ( goes back to #1)


Respect goes a long way in life. I personally think that it got me farther in life than a degree. If you don't have respect for yourself or others how do you expect others to treat you or view you. Most non-respectful people truly feel that they are owed something from everyone. I have met many ignorant people who think they are owed by all. Most of them never did anything to deserve my respect, but I always try to give it to them. And as for thieves, they are the scum of the disrespectful and ignorant waste. They have no respect for the person they are ripping off, or the family or people that it effects. Yeah it might be a dollar candybar at the store, but when there are 50,000 thieves that steal one candybar for a dollar that takes away a job or two at the factory because the stores have to jack up the price on the candybar to compensate for the loss and now noone wants to buy a candybar for a buck fifty.


I could go on and on about this subject but I will be done with my rant now. Thanks Alan for getting me all worked up on this subject... thumbsup.gif

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You have my vote for president!


There are three things that I hate in this world about people.

1) Disrespect or no respect period.

2) Thieves (a thief has no #1)

3) Ignorance ( goes back to #1)


Respect goes a long way in life. I personally think that it got me farther in life than a degree. If you don't have respect for yourself or others how do you expect others to treat you or view you. Most non-respectful people truly feel that they are owed something from everyone. I have met many ignorant people who think they are owed by all. Most of them never did anything to deserve my respect, but I always try to give it to them. And as for thieves, they are the scum of the disrespectful and ignorant waste. They have no respect for the person they are ripping off, or the family or people that it effects. Yeah it might be a dollar candybar at the store, but when there are 50,000 thieves that steal one candybar for a dollar that takes away a job or two at the factory because the stores have to jack up the price on the candybar to compensate for the loss and now noone wants to buy a candybar for a buck fifty.


I could go on and on about this subject but I will be done with my rant now. Thanks Alan for getting me all worked up on this subject... thumbsup.gif


ignorance is what i thought it was at first, but then i realized it was lack of consideration for other people. (selfish)


and my stance on respect is this..."respect is not earned....it is lost." i respect all, until they do something to lose it. (which may not take long in some cases)

Edited by WODY™ (see edit history)
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You hit the nail on the head.

Like I told my wife when my son was born. I don't care if he gets A's or B's as long as he has respect for everyone, and tries in life I will never be mad at him. Two of his first words were please and thank you. Every time we go somewhere people are dumbfounded and surprised when he says thank you and please. To me it's how I was taught to show respect and I want my son to have it too.

This day and age alot of parents that shouldn't be parents have no respect and there for don't teach respect to their kids. My wife is a 3rd grade teacher and the stories she tells me about how the kids act now makes me cringe. If schools were allowed to use a paddle again things would start changing for the better IMO.

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As far as the malls, grocery stores, and Wally World shopping go I use a 50/50 rule- You can ask my wife. I yeild to a person every other time now, then I take the advantage. Whatever it may be: Walking through a crowd, yeilding to another with a shopping cart, etc.


I know it sounds like a dumb rule, but it's something silly I came up with to get by all the "crappy" people that you are talking about here...

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You hit the nail on the head.

Like I told my wife when my son was born. I don't care if he gets A's or B's as long as he has respect for everyone, and tries in life I will never be mad at him. Two of his first words were please and thank you. Every time we go somewhere people are dumbfounded and surprised when he says thank you and please. To me it's how I was taught to show respect and I want my son to have it too.

This day and age alot of parents that shouldn't be parents have no respect and there for don't teach respect to their kids. My wife is a 3rd grade teacher and the stories she tells me about how the kids act now makes me cringe. If schools were allowed to use a paddle again things would start changing for the better IMO.





I agree 100%

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One more reason stupidity should be painful.




But that's the main reason if I do go to walmart I go to the 24 hour one at like 2 am. (love vegas) Mainly to avoid that shit. It's like going to an amusement park every piece of trailer trash is in there buying either one item or 100 items and being rude and inconsiderate. The problem that gets me the most is the kids opening up toys and packages then their mother or father says no the kid throws it on the ground and storms off. Now the guy getting paid minimum wage has to pick up after someone's brat. Meanwhile mom is over there on asile 34 spraying febreze to see if it smells better than the glade.


It comes back to what makes me most upset in the end. The feeling of entitlement the last couple generations of people have now. I am going general as far as age groups here. I am sure some of the guys on the site are older. But I think I can say most of our folks all have a different level of respect for things cause they had to work really hard to get the things they had. They respected that. They cared about everything. The kids today think stuff is owed to them. They all are supposed to be supplied computers in school videogames and every little punk ass 16 year old in the valley thinks he is either gotta roll in a jacked up truck with rims on it that will never go offroad or you get these other kids who think that they are fast and furry. They have zero respect for what it took to EARN a car. EARN a paycheck. Mommy and daddy are taking way too good of care and when they don't take good enough care then they are "underprivileged" Underprivileged is living in a cardboard box eating 6 month old Cheetos and drinking from a rain gutter. Those kids. That roll in the cars they don't pay for are going to have kids that give even less of a shit. Unfortunately they grow up watching stupid shit like professional "athletes" and I use that term loosely, as role models. Whatever happened to your Dad being your inspiration making your family proud. Now these kids want to be "pro skaters" pro ball players" and my personal favorite for vegas " MMA fighters"


I could go on for hours but yeah.


The only way to counter act this whole mess we are in now is to try and lead and set good examples. Don't ever give up.

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One more reason stupidity should be painful.




But that's the main reason if I do go to walmart I go to the 24 hour one at like 2 am. (love vegas) Mainly to avoid that shit. It's like going to an amusement park every piece of trailer trash is in there buying either one item or 100 items and being rude and inconsiderate. The problem that gets me the most is the kids opening up toys and packages then their mother or father says no the kid throws it on the ground and storms off. Now the guy getting paid minimum wage has to pick up after someone's brat. Meanwhile mom is over there on asile 34 spraying febreze to see if it smells better than the glade.


It comes back to what makes me most upset in the end. The feeling of entitlement the last couple generations of people have now. I am going general as far as age groups here. I am sure some of the guys on the site are older. But I think I can say most of our folks all have a different level of respect for things cause they had to work really hard to get the things they had. They respected that. They cared about everything. The kids today think stuff is owed to them. They all are supposed to be supplied computers in school videogames and every little punk ass 16 year old in the valley thinks he is either gotta roll in a jacked up truck with rims on it that will never go offroad or you get these other kids who think that they are fast and furry. They have zero respect for what it took to EARN a car. EARN a paycheck. Mommy and daddy are taking way too good of care and when they don't take good enough care then they are "underprivileged" Underprivileged is living in a cardboard box eating 6 month old Cheetos and drinking from a rain gutter. Those kids. That roll in the cars they don't pay for are going to have kids that give even less of a shit. Unfortunately they grow up watching stupid shit like professional "athletes" and I use that term loosely, as role models. Whatever happened to your Dad being your inspiration making your family proud. Now these kids want to be "pro skaters" pro ball players" and my personal favorite for vegas " MMA fighters"


I could go on for hours but yeah.


The only way to counter act this whole mess we are in now is to try and lead and set good examples. Don't ever give up.


exactly. when i turned 15 1/2, my mom made me get a job and every paycheck i had to put half in the bank until i had enough to buy my own car. i thought it was torture back then, but looking back, it was one of the best things my mom could have done for me, and i appreciate it! now-a-days, too many kids are spoiled and feel obligated to luxuries. all in all it creates a person who thinks they are better than everybody, doesn't appreciate what they have, and feel like the small things in life just don't cut it.


i understand 100% what you are saying. i see it when people jay-walk and expect people to stop for them. not only that but they take their time crossing the street. one day there was a couple jay-walking and of course they thought that we should all stop for them....but not me! i stayed my course and the girl actually had to pull the dude back in order to keep me from hitting him. it felt good for two reasons...one...i made them both realize the world does not revolve around them, and second...i punked him in front of his girl, and in front of all other traffic. i love it when people think i'm insane.

Edited by WODY™ (see edit history)
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  • 2 weeks later...

exactly. when i turned 15 1/2, my mom made me get a job and every paycheck i had to put half in the bank until i had enough to buy my own car. i thought it was torture back then, but looking back, it was one of the best things my mom could have done for me, and i appreciate it! now-a-days, too many kids are spoiled and feel obligated to luxuries. all in all it creates a person who thinks they are better than everybody, doesn't appreciate what they have, and feel like the small things in life just don't cut it.


i understand 100% what you are saying. i see it when people jay-walk and expect people to stop for them. not only that but they take their time crossing the street. one day there was a couple jay-walking and of course they thought that we should all stop for them....but not me! i stayed my course and the girl actually had to pull the dude back in order to keep me from hitting him. it felt good for two reasons...one...i made them both realize the world does not revolve around them, and second...i punked him in front of his girl, and in front of all other traffic. i love it when people think i'm insane.



ive seen this is person , Alan for president

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What a great post!!!! This is so true. Today, I was going to the liquor store and a car was pulling out as one was pulling in. They both(women) stop right in the entrance and start chatting while I'm left in the middle of the road with nowhere to go and they glared at me like I was an inconvenience to their conversation. The world is full of idiots!!! Can I get an amen???

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What a great post!!!! This is so true. Today, I was going to the liquor store and a car was pulling out as one was pulling in. They both(women) stop right in the entrance and start chatting while I'm left in the middle of the road with nowhere to go and they glared at me like I was an inconvenience to their conversation. The world is full of idiots!!! Can I get an amen???




My sister is exactly the same as these kids this generation. I am 31 and she's 22. I came home from school and had to do chores and homework before I could play with friends outside. I had to buy all the things I wanted when I was in HS (prom, clothes, hair cuts, etc). I was 15 when I got my first job and I have been working ever since. I bought my first car and everyone subsequently. My dad and stepmom made me move out the day I had a GOOD Full-time job (18 years old). I also paid for my car insurance from the day I got my driver's license and was put on my stepmom's policy. I had to learn how to cook at the age of 11 years old and I was expected to have dinner cooked every during the week.


My sister on the other hand never had to do chores, never had to work unless she wanted to, and has never to this day bought a vehicle. She has gone through four vehicles all of which have been handed to her. She never had to pay for her insurance, clothes, school things, etc. My sister does not have any idea how to cook anything but Ramen Noodles. She has never washed clothes and has moved in and out of my parent's home six times in the last four years. Everytime she has gotten out on her own, she blew her money and would get behind in rent. My dad/stepmom would have to pay three months of late rent, pay the early termination fee and move my sister back into the house. My sister doesn't contribute to the food (remember she's 22 AND a Manager for a store in the mall) or any other utilities that she uses (water, electric, etc) while living rent free.


True Story: 2 months ago my sister's car broke down. It needed a fuel pump. She tells my dad this and said she needed something to drive. My dad gave her the keys to the van (which no one was driving) and she drove it until she blew out 2 tires. My dad has 2 trucks. A GMC Sierra and a Ford Ranger. They are both work trucks. The Ranger is a huge POS and the GMC is in really good shape. It's only 3 years old. Matter of fact the Sierra is the FIRST NEWER vehicle my dad has ever bought FOR HIMSELF in over 20 years. My sister and stepmom got everything first. Well.....my sister refused to drive the Ranger. So my dad gives her the keys to the Sierra. Told her to be EXTRA careful and work to get the $$ of the fuel pump because his Sierra did not have ONE scratch on her! Two weeks in...she wrecks the Sierra! Hit a freaking concrete pillar at the gas station. Are you freaking KIDDING?!


My stepmom called me crying....I simply told her "I love you but it's your fault" and I have no sympathy. Now my sister hasn't fixed the fuel pump, the two tires she blew nor is she going to pay for the damages to the Sierra. Over 5k in damages. Kids these days are the "GIVE IT TO ME YESTERDAY" society and I loathe them! When I talk to kids (age range from Talking - early 20's) who are polite and absolutely amazing I always ask to talk to the parents just to thank them for doing a wonderful job! It's rare to encounter someone who has manners that I was raised to have.


Ok, thanks for reading my rant! :)

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I have no story of encounters like this but I wanted to share something based on stormchaser's story... I am 25 and was raised in a US Air Force family, My parents didn't force me to get a job until after High School(to better focus on school). Fast forward a little(to not bore you) I am currently going to school in AZ and my parents are helping me with my bills(apreciated but not wanted). They have never had to help me with anything I wanted or needed until now.Sorry Alan not tryin to jack the thread..

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