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Who Does This For A Living?


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They get payed pretty good, 300/hr or 1500/day. I would do it once (most likely because i would fall off)


If you think about it, it's good pay.


\This is one of the few jobs that I can think of that you cannot go to with a hangover. LOL pepsicheer.gif

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I am absolutley terrififed of heights and just watching this made me dizzy




Same here, and I actually had to stop the video a time or two, just to stop my head from spinning. Like when he climbed outside the tower and was free climbing up near the top with no safety harness??? No thanks. Not for me.


"oh shit, I forgot the screwdriver" :banghead::crackup:


Man that would REALLY suck.


But my thought... This job would not work after Taco Night either... Can you say "Fire in the Hole"- at 3000 feet???unsure.gif

now that I think about it, I just wouldn't want to be the guy on the ground...

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I'd do it. I'm a Boilermaker, and i usually work on the High rigging crew(wish I only had 30lbs worth of tools to carry around all day). I climb iron already, the highest I've been was 300 or so, but hopefully someday I'll get on a good stack job that will put me up there pretty high.

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