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Walbro Fuel Pump

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I need to replace the fuel pump in my 03 SSS. I want to go aftermarket since I will only be driving the truck for week or two while I finish my other build for a new DD. The truck is goin to a buddys shop to do a repaint and engine work. Future mods are cams and related, nitrous, and bigger injectors.


I was thinking about getting a Walbro 255. Does anyone know the Part # for it?


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No part number off hand, I just go to my buddy's shop and ask him for one when I need em. You can get them from Magnacharger, but surely somewhere in Orlando by you should be a performance shop that would have one and know what it is when you ask them for a Walbro lph255. Try American Motorsports. They teamed up with Murray's and I know Murray's usually stocks them.

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No part number off hand, I just go to my buddy's shop and ask him for one when I need em. You can get them from Magnacharger, but surely somewhere in Orlando by you should be a performance shop that would have one and know what it is when you ask them for a Walbro lph255. Try American Motorsports. They teamed up with Murray's and I know Murray's usually stocks them.

HAHA its funny you said that. Im wearing there shirt and didnt even think of Murrays.


You got Murrays number? lol

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Stop messing with crapola Walbro's and get a good reliable pump that flows more lph,Denso's Supra TT pump.Came factory OEM on the most reliable of high hp rides,the Toyota Supra.


You want failing crap?Keep buying Walbro!!!IMO,any vendor selling them should be ashamed for selling you shit they know will fail in short order!!!


I was done with them a few years ago when I bought a Walbro from Racetronix after going thru 3 Walbro's from other vendors.After the Racetronix pump was bad out of the box and I dropped my tank 3-4 times thinking I had made a mistake,Jack@RC said "no warranty",I started using Densos and havent looked back or had 1 fail in tens of thousands of miles.


And I know of alot of others who feel the same way as I do about Walbro fuel pumps.Years ago they were the only game in town,not anymore!

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The Walbro you want is the high pressure 255 aka GSS340(I think the older part #'s end with a M). I dont know why you'd want to buy a part that will leave you stranded,not if but when.Try doing the same search for Denso pump failures as I did for Walbro failures and you come up with nothing.


Personally id rather have a 300+lph Denso with OEM reliability. Denso 195180-1020 is the pump you want.


Heres links to them on ebay http://motors.shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=supra+denso+fuel+pump&_sacat=&_sop=2&_dmpt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&_odkw=supra+denso+fuel&_osacat=0&bkBtn=&_trksid=p4506.m270.l1313


If you are dead set on Walbro,I have a brand new 255 id sell you for $60 shipped.I got it with a car I bought and installed a Denso instead since I dint want to drop the tank to replace it with 2-3 years(no exageration)


Great thing about the Denso is the output can be upped substantially with a hot wire kit or boost-a-pump setup.

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The Walbro you want is the high pressure 255 aka GSS340(I think the older part #'s end with a M). I dont know why you'd want to buy a part that will leave you stranded,not if but when.Try doing the same search for Denso pump failures as I did for Walbro failures and you come up with nothing.


Personally id rather have a 300+lph Denso with OEM reliability. Denso 195180-1020 is the pump you want.


Heres links to them on ebay http://motors.shop.e...4506.m270.l1313


If you are dead set on Walbro,I have a brand new 255 id sell you for $60 shipped.I got it with a car I bought and installed a Denso instead since I dint want to drop the tank to replace it with 2-3 years(no exageration)


Great thing about the Denso is the output can be upped substantially with a hot wire kit or boost-a-pump setup.



Well Im not dead set on a Walbro. I have been hearing alot about how shitty they are. But at this point I have a project car that Im going use as d.d. is motorless (pulling head off now). However, so is my truck which is the d.d. is also down and apart (with the bed off and sitting in the front yard). I was planning on going to Murrays and pick up a Walbro just so I can drive it and get it back together. I kinda wrote this post as Walbro really being all I knew of. I do LOVE driving my truck, and it being down kills. So, reliablity is a key.


I guess tomorrow I'll have to see if Murray's has the Denso. Now is that a direct fit?

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If you drive it every day,you definetly want a reliable pump like the Denso.


As for being the Denso being a direct drop in....It takes a bit of trimming but installs fine.I think the Walbro requires a bit of work as well but im not certain...Look at the ebay auction page I sent you too and youll see why a bit of trimming might be needed.The Denso pump is roughly the size of a 12oz can of soda where as the Walbro is about the size of a small can of Red Bull.Also,if Walbro 255 is good for 600hp as most vendors state,the Denso should be good for 750+hp.


My truck was the the 1st LSx truck(05 Escalade) I did a fuel pump swap on and it was as easy as any other.


If you are just wanting a pump asap to move the vehicle around,im sure there are a ton of guys that have removed there stock pumps and would let them go cheap if not free.Id offer mine but I threw it in the garbage when I swapped in the Denso because they are so reliable IME that I wasnt worried about not having a spare fuel pump.


OEM reliable says alot!!Esp if its Toyota OEM reliable.Some might just hate Toyota but they have to at least give them props on building some shit that will last a VERY LONG time!!

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