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Cruise Control No Longer Functioning


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This is my first post on this forum, so hello to all! I recently inherited a 2003 Silverado SS from my brother who passed recently. He took care of his baby, and I want to do the same. However as a young punk who also wants to test the limits of my vehicles, I took this for a snow test in our backyard (expansive, trust me). We must have a good foot of snow by now laid out, and I decided to try to take it around the yard and back towards the house. However the yard is on a grade, and downwards is our pond. As I brought the truck around towards the grade I noticed that I was losing a lot of control over where the truck was going; it was only sliding down towards the pond every time I punched the gas. Lone and behold I finally got it around the pond narrowly but I ended up in a small corner that I had to inch and punch my way out of. The only way up the hill back into the driveway from here was putting it in the tow/haul mode and using that 6.0 V8 to do what it does best; put out the HP I need to get out of this situation. The good news is that I made it out okay, and as far as I can tell there has been no damage to the engine or drive-train. The bad news is that now for some reason the cruise control no longer functions at all.


I'm wondering that if in this test run of me putting it through all the demands that I did that somehow I toasted the Speed Control Sensor in doing so. I'm not that familiar with this truck and it's computer based mechanisms, and I know that it already has either a bad or poorly connected Throttle Position Sensor. I'm not sure if the SPS is the only reason why the cruise control is no longer working, hence why I'm posting. If I can get any kind of assistance in this matter I would greatly appreciate it. I do have access to an OBD2 scanner to check for sure, but perhaps I would like to bypass that if at all possible and just go straight to the source. Thanks again for any help and insight!

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  • 1 month later...

Sure is nice to see that someone can come on the forum and get help related to a specific question about a specific situation (note sarcasm). 140+ views, and two months later and no one has said a syllable about this problem. But to keep this updated, the problem has been solved. It was hooked up to an OBD2 scanner and once the code for the TPS was cleared (mentioned above), the cruise control function returned. Thanks for the assistance...

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Sorry, I didn't see this post earlier.

Two things I would have had you do is.

1) Check your wires to your trans and along frame to eliminate loose or broken connections.

2) Since you have a OBDII scanner hook it up and see if you get a code.


So in reality you could have just plugged in the OBDII tester and answered your own questions in one minute. Myself and others could have had a similar problem and had you chasing and relpacing things for nothing. If you don't use the brain (yours or the trucks PCM) you can't get much done. Use the tools you have, and then make an educated guess.

Note (No Sarcasm, just the truth)

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  • 3 weeks later...

hs i one of 4 thing its either your cruise control switch, throttle actuated control module, pcm, or a circuit fault.


were you go depends on a couple thing if you hit the cruise button and the light on the dash comes on your most liklly not going to have a switch problem if nothing happens then it could still be any of the 3. i would also say that the concern probably doesnt have anything tp do with your beat run seeeing how all the circuits are in the body and upper fender. also check your cruise fuse to see if it is blown and chesck to see if your 3rd brake light is working i know it sounds weird but ive seen cases were a blown 3rd brake light will cause the cruise to not work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thank you gentlemen...you'll have to pardon my reaction w/ sarcasm. I guess sometimes we simply say things we shouldn't, eh? Sinr98, the OBDII scanner I was using was actually a friend of the family's and there was no code thrown out on anything other than the TPS. For some reason the operator did not clear that code, but rather once the truck was taken to a mechanic and hooked up to an OBDII unit was the code finally cleared and voila, we now have cruise. Alas the TPS is still giving us problems, and I'm thinking it needs to be replaced. Unfortunately from what I can tell on the 6.0 there is no separate TPS - it is built into the throttle body, thus the whole thing needs to be replaced.

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