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Payton - the add says that this power adder uses a "900 watt electrical motor" - wattage is voltage times amperage, so if you work that in reverse and take 900 and divide by 12-volts that means this device would require a 75-amp fuse. :eek: It would also require electrical wires MUCH larger than shown (to carry 75-amps of current). My Torrent E-Fan kit uses 2 SPAL 16" electric fans, each rated at 350-watts each, together they draw 60-amps and the most important fact is that the electric motors on the SPAL fans are HUGE.


The product is a complete scam.


The way to break the seller is to ask, what size fuse is used on the electric motor, then multiply that by 12-volts, that will tell you the REAL wattage of the product and you can then tell eBay the seller is a fraud, because they are selling something which is not as described.



So...I'm liking the leafblower idea... Come on guys, let's brainstorm !

Right now, I'm ashamed admiting that I even know you. :unsure::jester::crackup:


Mr. P. :)

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From the eBay ad:


This device is not designed to be on for more than 30 seconds at a time.




It's sad that the seller claims there are other similar products on eBay that are even more inferior than this one! :shakehead:


Amazing how people will prey on others.


Mr. P.

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