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Being Followed


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I would do what red04supersport said turn down some random side street and see if he follows you. if he does pull over and let him pass and start following him and see what he thinks of that.


Happened a few times to me, had them follow me into my buddys house with 3 kids and metal baseball bats waiting, kid in that honda civic took off so fast it was funny. Its funny how tough they think they are until it gets real.

I cant wait to get my custom 6DD Maglite.


Glad to hear that sorry pos is not bugging you anymore.

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Happened a few times to me, had them follow me into my buddys house with 3 kids and metal baseball bats waiting, kid in that honda civic took off so fast it was funny. Its funny how tough they think they are until it gets real.

I cant wait to get my custom 6DD Maglite.


Glad to hear that sorry pos is not bugging you anymore.

haha, I make sure the Glock 17 rides with me were ever I go. Anytime someone honks,or flips me off for driving the speed limit at rush hour,I laugh and think to myself "Buddy you don't want this shit." People drive like maniacs around rush hour. If you don't do at least 90 mph, you can not drive on the interstate even in the slow lane. I had one guy almost hit me in the slow lane, so I slowed down even more to 70 and he lays on the horn. I'm watching him cuss me in the mirror throwing his hands up .He finally goes to pass me, gets beside me and starts pointing at me. I threw my hand up and mouthed WTF. He then swerves his SUV into my lane, running me off the road. I hit part of a blown tire from an semi.

I don't want to be the guy shot in traffic because of some crazy idiot. If I'm getting shot at, I want to at least try to get a few rounds off.


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So are you positively sure that his route home isn't the same as yours?


I was followed home once a few years ago by a road raged jerk face. The guy tried to pass me up before 2 lanes merged into one but there wasn't enough room and he ended up off the road. Well, for the next 5 miles he kept riding my a$$ non stop and at red lights he kept giving me the finger and yelling at me. Of course I just kept laughing as I didn't do anything wrong and eventually he got separated from my rear bumper by a red light that I made and he didn't. I forgot about him till I turned onto a street leading to my house at that time and saw him shooting right through a stop sign and was right on my tail. By this time I couldn't go onto another street as I was on a dead end street. I have to admit, I was scared sh%$ less and called the police (I'm not the fighting type). A neighbor in their car chased them away and the police went after him but didn't find the jerk. I had the make, model and part of the licensed plate but they said they couldn't find the guy.


So there is a way to locate people online with a license plate? If so, where and are there any fees?

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I work on an AIr Force base and the guy was watching there. I cant take my gun on base being it's a Federal installation. But ass of April 23rd I haven't hide nor hair of this guy again. The scare I put into him when I last saw him probably kept him away so as to clean up his own SH$T out of his jeep.

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