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Wrecked Today


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Well i wrecked today, but not in the SS thankfully but on my R6, some guy in the lane to left and behind me decided to lay on his horn on the freeway, i look back at him and see he was honking for no reason as soon as i look back forward the guy in front of me had slammed on his brakes so i grabbed my brakes and went sliding on my left side. nothing broken just a bad case of road rash.











and my arm is the worst got bandaged up by a paramedic




i was very lucky i didnt die or get seriously hurt and im really glad i wasnt in my truck despite my injuries

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damn that sucks. sorry to hear. ive never went down on any bike ive owned. but i did go down on my quad last summer doing a wheel at about 40 damn what a mistake. ripped my skin off my hip all the way to the bone. how did your bike fair? it seems when i have wrecked the first thing im worried about after wrecking is if my stuff is alright. did the guy that was honking stop? if he did id be :idiot: the shit out of him. how geared up were you at least a helmet???

Edited by shawnss (see edit history)
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yea i got up walked over to my bike and it looked like a scene from a murder movie where a pool of blood comes out from under the body except it was oil, all the oil came out through a gash and frame sliders saved most of the bike. i had a helmet and gloves on and shorts and a t-shirt idiot.gif i know i know. they guy honking did not stop or he wouldnt have had a face after i was done with him M16.gif, neither did the guy who slammed on his brakes but a city van stopped, i had him hold my helmet while i picked up the bike and wheeled it over to the shoulder, got my helmet and he went on his way. 20 min later 2 firetrucks, 2 ambulances, 3-4 tow trucks and 2 cops came.

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Damn, man I'm glad your okay. At least you didn't get ran over after you went down. I had a friend die that way.

Seems like the SS guys are having no luck this month.


saw your thread, sucks too man. That was the scariest part, i did a 180 so i was facing traffic and all i see were cars headlights at ground level and i was praying to god that someone didnt run me or the bike over... luckily traffic wasnt moving too fast..

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Yea bikes are okay, its EVERYONE else u have to worry about, ill still get back on a bike, just be a little more careful and where heavier clothes


Man you should get one of these sweet ass Air Bag riding suits like Ben Spies wears


I've been looking for a 600 for months now, and will defiantly look like a power ranger when I get it. Plus, nothing wrong with looking like you missed a turn at Laguna Seca, and ended up on the highway.

I travel to Florida at least one a month and ALWAYS see the guys with shorts, wife beater to show off their tattoos,and backwards hat.

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Dang brother glad you are ok. I hit a box of toilet paper on my gixxer 1000 doing about 85 it wasn't fun. Thank goodness for frame sliders and a cage lol


Speedy recovery to ya



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