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Trans Problem

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my 04 has about 130k miles on it and it has very abruptly begun having trans problems just today. truck will go into 1st and 2nd just fine but will go to neutral after trying to shift to 3rd. no 3rd, 4th and no OD. the motor is turning about 3k rpm at 40mph. i tried manually shifting up through gears at one time and it did something very odd, it shifted into 2nd with only 1st selected.

the trans isnt slipping, and when it shifts, it shifts normally, its just hanging on to gears to long or not even trying to engage them at all. the fluid level is fine and is of good color and doesnt smell burned or anything. the truck does this cold or warm. i know it could be a trans problem but im hesitant to say its the trans itself, but this started all at once with no previous signs or symptoms and became more serious over the course of a few hours. it may be servos but im thinking more of a computer problem

the only other things worth mentioning are a front wheel bearing that was bad that i let stay on the truck for longer than i should have, and just replaced today. and my abs light flashed at me after these problems started, but before they were this bad.

so yeah, how screwed am i?

Edited by DriftingSS (see edit history)
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I would say its the trans pull the drain plug and see if there are any metal shavings stuck to the magnet .. but if you think its the pcm disconect the battery for a couple minutes and see what happens .. chris

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just joined up here. was doing some research and found this thread. i was like "hey, someone else with the same problem as my buddy". then i realized, this is my buddy. lol



well, his truck is at my house right now. i checked it out real quick when i got home from work. also added some lucas trans stuff that alot of my customers swear by so i thought i would give it a try. no change. really weird. shifts great from 1-2, but then it goes to 3rd and nothing. there is a slight pull, but not much.


i was thinking maybe the solenoids, i work a gm parts house, and know we sale alot of them. but its also weird there are no codes. but i have seen stranger things.



checked the fluid, no burn smell, no shavings that i can see. so hope its something simple. but atleast he can get parts for it cheap thru me. and he has my project car for now. lol


just thought i would post to try and help him out. im going to run the vin tomorrow and see if there are any service bulleteins or anything. i know i found one today for that year model having something to do with the casing when they were formed.

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It sounds as if there was possibly either a clutch pack failure, or a band failure. It is never a good sign when a transmission starts to neutralize itself, and with the mileage that is on that trans, it is most likely time to start planning on a rebuild. The owner definitely got his money's worth out of that trans....

Edited by Fireman31 (see edit history)
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