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Shoulder Victims (Surgery)


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Well here is my story of 2011 and need some advice from you guys/gals.


I wrecked my shoulder (tendon torn twice, sheeth is worn out=bone on bone, shoulder tip is jammed=bone on bone again). They do not want to operate and said let it heal on its own for 18 months but its only getting worse. Wah wah wah :nopity: .....


I was wondering if anyone has had tendon or sheeth surgery. I was told to avoid it at all costs as my shoulder would never be the same if I had surgery. I am now noticing nerve issues across my right chest and shoulder and Im ready to be the Donald Trump of drs (you're fired!). Im heading in to see one of the celtics shoulder surgeons along with my general surgeon. Only thing I can say is central mass drs bite the big one :idiot: , Boston is the place to be.


Again if their is anyone who has had a similar injury, or has had shoulder surgery any info is greatly appreciated. Not being able to move my right side of my torso, no sleep and elevated BP to heart attack/stroke level is taking its toll.


Thank you in advance everyone.

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once i asked for help regarding a similar problem with my sisters left arm and one member from here told me about this place, i remember you replied but not sure if u r who told me about it,.

http://www.handcenters.com/home.htm and contact Doctor A. Lee Osterman, M.D. my sister went but like neither she or i got health insurance or med care its an operation of over 100k cash, :freak: i have given some wild thoughts like damn i dont know how-much a kidney would be worth but hoping to find some rich guy in need of one and make him pay for my sisters operationand i would be willing to give a kidney as payment, i realy would,..... but to find that person i think i am just dreaming.


by the way my sis lost total control of her left arm due to a rollover srt10 truck.

Edited by eddiess-06 (see edit history)
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I do remeber that Eddie, I believe I tried to steer you towards the New England Baptist Hospital in Boston. They are great no question. I am making an appointment this week and will be seeing the celtics shoulder surgeon along with my general surgeon.

My idiot dr. in central mass calls herself a proclaimed "miracle worker" and its talk like that from egotistical drs. that makes me go to Boston. Its very competitive between central mass drs. against Boston, and its pathetic because Boston makes them look like idiots (went 5 years misdiagnosed and undiagnosed, and 1 visit to Boston had 3 surgeries scheduled). The surgeries Ive had in Boston, central mass drs. have never heard of, I guess they must be from the stone age.

I know Boston will have me fixed up, however I do heavy labor work and if my shoulder is never going to be the same, I guess a career change is my only option :unsure:

Thank you for the Dr. Osterman, I will check into it :thumbsup:


edit - I hope your sister is handling the situation, I know sleepless nights on end make me a come back to this site literally every hour of the night because I cant lay down or lean against anything on my right shoulder. Its torture for real, I feel for your sister bud and hope something comes along and can help her in anyway shape or form.

Edited by 03mass (see edit history)
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August 28th 2010 - Motorcycle accident - tackled back of minivan driven by 89 yr/old man...Grade IV Shoulder seperation( all three tendons completly torn). Dr. Melbourne Boynton, VT Orthopedic, top 5 orthopedic surgeon in New England...US Ski Team surgeon. Recommended no surgery unless I would be using my arms above my head for 3+ hours/day. I did not get surgery. Rehab/PT went well. I still have some soreness when I wake up if I sleep on it wrong and shoulder fatigues quite fast...Started lifting again to regain strength. Definitlely sounds not as bad as you. I wanted surgery at first but after consultation we agreed not to operate for reasons you mentioned...shoulder never being the same again. Just started golfing again and noticed a huge difference but working towards getting everything back up to par...no pun intended. My advice, get multiple consultations/opinions. But sounds like surgery is in line for you. Hope you get it figured out. Heres the link for VOC. http://www.vermontorthoclinic.org/

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Thank you both SweetSS24 and GreenMtnSS.

My buddy use to ski with the US jr. Olympic team, he might have heard of Dr. Boynton. Like you stated multiple consultations and opinion are key. I know the drs in central mass are not confident in surgery, so their is no way they will be touching me ever again; they did not give me enough sedatives during an endoscopy one time and I woke up with the tube down my throat while taking biopsies, horrifying to say the least and I will never have a procedure without anastesia ever (supposedley I threw a fist at the dr and tried to rip the endoscope tube out of my mouth with 5 nurses holding me down, I saw the dr rip the endoscope out of my mouth and it looked like she was trying to start a chainsaw).


I am confident Boston can do something, but your info like Dr. Boynton said about working and having you arms above your head for 3+ hours a day is very helpful info. Trying to decide if I want to continue my labor intensive job (landscaping, worked on George Bush's neighbors house) is a serious decision at my age and tough to choose :freak: Who knows, maybe its time to follow my dream job and start driving locomotives for the MBTA or Amtrak.


Ive been told to rehab also, but cant move the arm yet. When I can pick up a piece of corn on the cob with my good arm, and it doesnt affect my injured shoulder I will be going to p/t (hope i get a hotty!!!).


Once again, thank you GreenMtnSS, the info you provided was very helpful :thumbsup::chevrolet:


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Well Im going to the Celtics training facility to meet up with their surgeon. They cant believe what central mass is not doing about the situation and allowing my arm in a sling for 6-18 months is only making the situation severely worse.


Word to MA residents, stay away from central mass drs at all costs.

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once i asked for help regarding a similar problem with my sisters left arm and one member from here told me about this place, i remember you replied but not sure if u r who told me about it,.

http://www.handcenters.com/home.htm and contact Doctor A. Lee Osterman, M.D. my sister went but like neither she or i got health insurance or med care its an operation of over 100k cash, :freak: i have given some wild thoughts like damn i dont know how-much a kidney would be worth but hoping to find some rich guy in need of one and make him pay for my sisters operationand i would be willing to give a kidney as payment, i realy would,..... but to find that person i think i am just dreaming.


by the way my sis lost total control of her left arm due to a rollover srt10 truck.


:withstupid: I have personally met Dr. Osterman and observed his surgeries...You will not find a better surgeon in the country!! He will spend 45min-1hr or more with you, if needed, to explain your situation/operation. He writes all the books on the upper extermity, and is on the cutting edge of newer technology in the field. I know it is a far travel for you. The Mayo clinic in NY is a good choice as well. Good luck with your decision.

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