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Adjuster Came Today

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Insurance adjuster appraised the damage today...I just sat down and really looked at it and this guy is a ****ing moron....$224 for a passenger mirror...they are over $600 new....COst me $500 to install roll pan that was on my truck..he gave me $160...yeah..spoiler $97..they are $1000 new...He hasnt heard last of me


I know the estimates are just a starting point but give me a break.

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Wow. That's seriously f'd-up Brad. :(


But wait - isn't the guy who hit your truck supposed to cover it? or was he uninsured?


It was the adjuster for that guys insurance


He's quoting Used parts or after market copies.


You are correct...your not putting use dparts on this truck..PERIOD....but i challenge him to find a ISS Spoiler for $97

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I am not sure what kind of insurance you have but my brother just changed hs insurance I believe it was $30 more a month to get factory replacenment parts apposed to the shit off brand parts they try to put on. I hate those ***ing insurance people.

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Take your truck to the shop where you will have it repaired and have them give you an estimate. Its always better to fight with an insurance company with a legit estimate in hand instead of just what you think it will cost. Its also against the law for an insurance company to TELL you where to have your vehicle fixed. I just went through this with my motorcycle, the ins. company quoted $3200 to fix, my estimate was $5500...which was slightly "tweaked" in my favor and we settled on $4200 and it cost me $1550 to fix it all myself. Get your own estimate so you have a foot to stand on.

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They got me the same way Brad when my ss was hit I had to come out of pocket and had to fight with the insurance till i got my money back


G/L brother hope the best for you, keep us posted

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I am taking it where i want...The body shop told me their estimate is just that...and is merely a starting point....the adjuster just told me to buy everything and send them the reciepts to prove cost and they will reimburse...I'm agitated at how far off they are on cost..his adjuster did no homework when it came to what he was estimating..when i asked about spoiler he said.."its just a fiberglass spoiler"...he just didnt get it

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Did you have receipts for the roll pan and any other work you did to the truck? That might have helped get him on the right track. I think I've saved receipts for everything I've bought, regardless of how insignificant.

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Dont worry, just take the estimate you were giving to the shop of your choice, dont waste time getting a few estimates...then have your repair shop of choice fax their estimate for review... then the insurance should review it come to an agreement with your shop then send out the difference!


I work in claims for Liberty Mutual :yellow_loser:



Insurance adjuster appraised the damage today...I just sat down and really looked at it and this guy is a ****ing moron....$224 for a passenger mirror...they are over $600 new....COst me $500 to install roll pan that was on my truck..he gave me $160...yeah..spoiler $97..they are $1000 new...He hasnt heard last of me


I know the estimates are just a starting point but give me a break.

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If someone doesn't know jack about cars or isn't even considerate enough to give a reasonable estimate, the shouldn't be adjusters :IMO:


Sorry to hear you got an **** adjuster, but if you fight it and get an estimate in hand from the shop, you're fight will be a lot easier and faster. Good luck man.

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Dont let the "appraiser" get to you, they dont know chit anymore and thats how the Ins co's want it.


They play a different game now trying to get people to take the cash and run instead of repairing. I could go on forever about the industry and how its changed over the last 38 years...and NOT for the good IMO but wont bore you with that laugh.gif


As long as you take your truck in to a shop and they keep in contact with the adjuster the bill will be paid.


Last year my daughter was hit in the rear by a drunk..then he tried to run (long story) anyway we turned it into our Ins Co American Family....they sent out this 18yo girl that just learned how to write with a pen instead of a crayon. She handed Nikki a check for 12.37 after the 1000.00 deduct. banghead.gif


Took the car to a shop where I used to work and finally got the drunks info..the bill came to 4600.00. She was in a rental car for 4 weeks which was paid for also.


If you need any info on what you can do if a problem comes up PM me, been around this all my life.

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