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Adams Clay Bar..

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Dylan can the typical SS orange Peel look be corrected? ,I have noticed that the paint is not as smooth on our trucks it almost looks like it has high and low spots.

Did your paint look that way before its super smooth/reflective look?


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Yes, but not without sanding.


The thing is it doesn't matter if you're driving a $200,000 Ferrari or a $20,000 Honda... they ALL have orange peel. The burgundy 599 GTB we did for the volume 6 videos was some of the worst orange peel I've ever seen so even the big $ cars aren't immune to it. The only way to get rid of it is to sand and no factory is going to take the time to block a car out in production.


The only time you'll see an orange peel free car is if the owner has had it reshot and sanding was part of the process (and it isn't cheap... you're talking $15,000+ for a show quality paint job due to the amount of hours needed)


I've never sanded any of mine... if you look back at the original reflection shots I posted and pay attention to the garage lines or anything like that you can see the orange peel... a good reflection and it won't be nearly as noticeable.


I'd also advise against sanding a factory paint job... they only spray the minimum they need to cover the truck... you start sanding down to remove peel you're gonna be left with VERY thin paint that would be dangerous to correct in the future.


IMHO - sanding anything other than a high dollar custom is just a waste of effort.

Edited by Dylan@Adams (see edit history)
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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I'm new to the professional detailing world, I have both an electric & pneumatic buffers. I've only ever buffed and waxed with common waxes like Turtle, Mothers, etc... Pm me with some info on your input. Thanks

Glad you guys are liking the stuff :thumbsup:


jtmarine02 - happy to help you in any way I can... let me know what you're looking to accomplish and I can make some recommendations.

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