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Cant Get My Tire Off? Please Help


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hey i got a flat tire, my back right tire. I got the center peace off, and the lugs off, but it seems like the rim is almost attached to the rotors. not sure wut the hell to do but its pissing me off. Oh and i cant even get the spare to drop down, i get the rope to drop down and the tire wiggles but i cant get it do drop down at all. (i have the stock 20in chrome rims)

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When you kick the tire or hit it hard with a hammer, make sure you don't knock the truck off the jack.....sounds like the spring loaded lock mechanism that secures the tire didn't release when you dropped the cable, have you tried spraying it with WD40 or similar penetrating oil?

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k i got my flat off, by kickining it as hard as i could lmao, but i still cant get the spare out, ive tried hitting it, spraying it with w40 and raising it back as hard as i could and dropping it. idk im gunna jst keep trying it and hopfully it will come down, i mean it drops like a good 3 or inches but it jst wont come down, i might jst take it to a shop or something idk. thanks for tha helpfull advice guys.

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I had the same issue with my spare. I ended up taking the torch to the lock mechanism and cutting it right off. Need a new one now. Wat happens is the cable inside the rotating mechanism siezes up from lack of use. Pain in the ass. I wanted my spare and such out for racing ended up being a bigger job then I thought

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ya im thinking bout doing the same thing jst cut that thing out idk


I had the same issue with my spare. I ended up taking the torch to the lock mechanism and cutting it right off. Need a new one now. Wat happens is the cable inside the rotating mechanism siezes up from lack of use. Pain in the ass. I wanted my spare and such out for racing ended up being a bigger job then I thought

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The spare is stuck because maybe the rope has a push lever, you need to get your hand inside to get to the push lever and push down and pull. It happens to me everytime at my tire shop,.last.time.when someone used the spare they must of overtighten it..


Oh btw the oem goodyear ls2's go for around 130-160 depends where you go. I was selling them for 154 a piece.


Good luck bro.

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